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schwarzkopf xxl live colour Red Passion

5 replies

10krunner · 16/10/2009 11:04

I dyed my hair with this 3 days ago and absolutely love the colour - problem is my scalp is stained red and my fault for being lazy but so is my hairline. Does anyone have any foolproof ways of getting it off my hairline? Any ideas on when it will fade from my scalp or is that just down to how often I wash my hair? I thorough recommend the colour by the way, I smile whenever I see my hair now Couldn't have done it while I was working though


OP posts:
Bellared · 19/10/2009 23:17

Nail varnish remover. I use the Real Red one and cover my ears, face and neck with Vaseline. You can get hair dye remover wipes from Superdrug which are quite good. It should fade from our scalp when you next wash it, I did mine a few days ago and have a red scalp but I only wash my hair once a week. HTH

10krunner · 25/10/2009 20:00

Thanks Bellared but I did my hair 2 weeks ago and my scalp is still red. Shame because I love the colour

OP posts:
nancy75 · 25/10/2009 20:03

hairdresser friend once told me ash is really good for removing hairdye stains - but i have never tried it. to get it off your scalp wash it with head and shoulders

cheeseandeyeballsarnie · 26/10/2009 00:29

i agree head and shoulders.

10krunner · 26/10/2009 07:37

Thanks, I'll give that a try

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