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summer toe crimes

30 replies

cod · 07/06/2005 12:42

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Hausfrau · 07/06/2005 21:05

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Puff · 07/06/2005 21:07

What I like about painted toenails is the varnish stays on for ages unlike nails on hands.

Fimbo · 08/06/2005 12:30

I saw a mother at dd's school today, tottering along trying to keep up with her kids wearing Perspex wedges........

Lucycat · 08/06/2005 12:34

a la Pammie Anderson on soft porn / tabloid photo shoot?

expatinscotland · 08/06/2005 12:46

Unpainted, ragged toenails, cracked and dry heels. In scruffy, smelly sandas. Boak!

Here's another who NEVER shows unpolished toenails to the rest of the world. Always in one of four Chanel polishes: Gladiator (a classic red), Rouge Noir, Beige or Apricot Glaze.

Do my own pedicures with Body Shop products on a weekly basis.

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