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Im really not sure how good leggings and tunics look on a lot of women

36 replies

CNyle · 25/09/2009 19:08

ok amazons and kate moss a likes exempt.

I saw a really smart " expensively elegant " woman in a ong cashmere type sweater and leggings at the gym and she just looked like she had forgotten a skirt - although all the items looks GREAT in theory.

then just now at posh swimming I saw about hthree women attempt it and if you are no REALLY thin you do look pregnant and the material just CLINGS to all the wrong bits.

OP posts:
deaddei · 26/09/2009 15:35

Our lady....that nail has just been well and truly knocked in. My Duo boots have arrived- flat but right to the knee, and I have just tried them on with my leggings and a long straight tunic(just above knee)
As a size 12 bottom, with 36 ins long legs I think I look ok- in fact, actually, pretty good.
As a 49 yr old I plan to wear it to Waitrose when the weather is appropriate.
But I do know what you mean, big legs/short tops- a definite no-no.

OurLadyOfPerpetualSupper · 26/09/2009 18:31

If you've got 36 inch legs I'll be the one giving you envious sideways glances!

Heated · 26/09/2009 18:39

It's why I have ordered a selection of leggings and narrow trews from a ubiquitous store with free P&P - so I can laugh hysterically in the privacy of my own bedroom with the blinds drawn - and then send the whole lot back.

deaddei · 26/09/2009 19:26

Ah but it's a bugger getting trousers to fit.
And heated- I do exactly that too.

opinionatedmother · 27/09/2009 22:14

late to the party, but yes, leggings are an appalling injustice to womankind, unless you are toned to perfection from waist to toe, it is a no-go.

and even then, best if you are tall, otherwise your leg is shortened by being ankle - hem of tunic.

i saw rose print leggings in topshop that could have come straight from 1985 - shocking!

i really don't think many women look good in them, it's too casual a look for work, and for home I'd want to wear something more...well, more wearable!

ChristieF · 28/09/2009 13:23

No don't do it! Leggings are not a good look if you're not careful. I wore them first time round in the eighties when we wore tops only to the waist. See pictures and don't know what possessed me. Navy blue striped ones. And I have long skinny legs like knots on cotton. Just awful. You have to be extremely careful to cover up with a long top almost to knee. They can look funky then. I've seen older women (fifties) in them and they don't seem aware that they look like Max Wall. Only for the young I think.

ChristieF · 28/09/2009 13:25

I saw someone (who shall remain nameless) on Ideal World shopping channel (just flicking through honest) and I was so taken aback because she looked like she had tights on but forgotten the skirt. Just awful on older women.

OurLadyOfPerpetualSupper · 28/09/2009 14:01

That's reminded me - I had a white pair (white!!!) which I wore on holiday one evening with a big shirt knotted at the waist.

I might as well have had an arrow pointing to my arse.

Was about 26 at the time, slim but definitely curvy and I dread to think what the camel's foot must have looked like.

I remember vaguely having that feeling you get from those dreams where you suddenly find yourself out and about semi-clothed or naked, trying to pretend everything's normal.

ChristieF · 28/09/2009 14:11

Yes I remember the knotted shirt fashion. You only have to look at old films of men wearing tights (leggings) like Robin Hood to know that they are not a good look. I've noticed ski pants are making a comeback. Now there's a comfy fashion that I lived in the eighties. Also what knickers to wear with leggings? All of them can be seen through the flimsy fabric. I had matching pink leggings and t shirt on hols in France and I see the pictures and think I look like I'm wearing pyjamas. Don't do it girls. Not if you're over 20. Also I've seen little girls in leggings with short tops. They look far too exposed to me with all these funny folk about.

TheOldestCat · 28/09/2009 14:16

Mmmh, am about to embark on this perhaps ill-advised look for me. But I am pregnant and thus already sporting tunic tops and dresses; I thought leggings would be practical as the weather cools - also my legs are my best feature (not that they've much competition).

Am I going to look like a toffee apple? A 33-year-old toffee apple?

ChristieF - I had some bright pink ski pants from C&A back in the day. I thought I looked GREAT.

ChristieF · 28/09/2009 14:29

Actually through my two pregnancies I wore leggings because they were so comfy. With my husbands shirts. You get away with a lot when you're pregnant. And I think they look fab (!) with knee boots, maybe because they look like tights. I have knobbly knees and large feet. Not so good with sparrow legs! I use my bony knees as a secret weapon when wrestling with my sons. They always surrender!

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