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Anyone else wash their hair with just conditioner - the no poo method

75 replies

nappyaddict · 26/04/2009 13:06

Have started doing this recently and my hair is going much longer between washes without getting greasy now. I am really impressed!!

I use about a 5p sized amount of conditioner and spend about 2 minutes thoroughly massaging it into my hair. Then I rinse it out and put conditioner on the ends as I would normally if I was using shampoo. I comb it through, and wrap it in a towel while I wash my face and brush my teeth and then rinse out.

no poo method

OP posts:
nappyaddict · 10/05/2009 15:37

I will have been doing it 3 weeks on Thursday. I am a bit concerned it is giving me bad dandruff. Is anyone else having this problem? I think perhaps I need to get a better quality shampoo. I am using Asda's own coconut shampoo at the moment.

OP posts:
snowmummy · 10/05/2009 16:59

I have short hair and use wax and hairspray on it. Can I use this method or is it just for curly or wavy hair? I am a convert to the oil cleansing method and this sounds like I could save more money!!

Rosesinautumn · 10/05/2009 17:16

I got some cleansing conditioner off t'internet and that's all I use now on me and the kids. My hair is a lot less frizzy now and seems just as clean, I've got some gentle shampoo for after swimming from the same place which is also nice but I prefer the conditioner. The website is Curlharmony.

nappyaddict · 11/05/2009 12:31

snowmummy no people with straight hair can use it too. If you use a lot of product you may need to use a lemon/lime juice rinse aswell. I use the juice of 1 lemon/lime mixed in 1 cup of warm water. Be careful to only apply it from the ears downwards though cos it can make the roots greasy.

OP posts:
nappyaddict · 11/05/2009 12:38

this is a good page

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toffeeapple · 11/05/2009 14:30

Hi Nappy in answer to your question on the OCM thread
I'm not doing the no poo method "fully".
I'm doing the "wavy girl" version which is to wash your scalp with shampoo but cover the rest of your hair with conditionner so that the shampoo doesn't get to it, then rinse, put more conditionner and rinse for a few seconds. My hair is still looking so much better, I've even put off having a haircut as I don't feel it needs it that much.
Regarding your dandruffs, I wouldn't worry, I would still persevere with your usual conditioner. I don't know if you remember but I said that my husband washed his hair recently for the first time in years, well he decided to stop again as his hair didn't look any cleaner than before and about 2 weeks later (around now) I noticed that he developped LOADS of dandruffs. I think it's the "cleansing phase". Give it a good 4 weeks and see.

snowmummy · 12/05/2009 19:24

Thanks nappyaddict, I will have a look at that page

nappyaddict · 22/06/2009 10:34

I'm now using baking powder (yes I know it's meant to be baking soda but i picked up the wrong box and it seems to work anyhow) plus a lemon/orange/grapefruit rinse. It seems to be working even better than the conditioner only method because my hair is quite oily. If you have dry hair you might find baking powder dries it out too much and the conditioner only method would work better for you.

OP posts:
nappyaddict · 02/02/2010 03:08

Found this thread again by mistake. Well it took about 9 weeks for my to adjust completely.

I now use 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda, 1 egg or apple sauce. I tried using salts but they didn't clean my hair well enough.

I found orange, apple cider vinegar, lemon and lime made my hair too greasy so I now use just a grapefruit juice rinse or sometimes beer.

OP posts:
RhodaMorgenstern · 04/02/2010 21:47

Can I just say thank you nappyaddict for this thread (& others on this thread too of course). I was beginning to despair of my hair. It's always been thick and coarse (hopefully the only bit of me that is), not curly but frizzy and wayward, and was getting worse with age (I'm 45), I guess because I have been colouring it for a while.

Tried the 'wavy girl' method the other day and today and have already noticed a miraculous difference. Hair much silkier and softer and I'm already thinking of ways to spend all the cash I will save on hair products. Hooray! Thank you.

Molesworth · 04/02/2010 21:58

ooh, another thank you for this thread! I'm going to try this on my super-thick, coarse hair.

nappyaddict · 04/02/2010 22:13

Oh and for the question about chlorine further up I just do a grapefruit juice rinse when I have a shower and it gets the chlorine out without having to do a proper wash.

OP posts:
Kewcumber · 04/02/2010 22:19

what do you do with the baking soda? Dissolve it water first?

nappyaddict · 04/02/2010 22:49

You can either dissolve it in a pint of water and make it thin or dissolve it in just enough water to make a paste. With both of these you rub it in dry hair and then rinse. The other way is wetting your hair first then rub it in on it's own and rinse.

OP posts:
nappyaddict · 26/02/2010 17:04

Just wanted to let you know this method works for all hair types whether it be fine and straight or thick, dry and curly and all hair lengths - short, medium and long.

I introduced my friend to it just after Christmas - she has medium length, fine, straight hair and she loves that she now only has to wash her hair once a week as opposed to every day.

OP posts:
ByTheSea · 26/02/2010 17:08

Have only read OP. I do this frequently and have done for all of my adult life. I do shampoo a couple of times a week. I have very curly, dry, frizz-prone hair and this way keeps it much healthier. My hair doesn't get oily anyway. That said, I do not just use a little conditioner daily, but quite a big glop as my huge mop of hair just drinks it up.

CybilScissorhands · 02/01/2011 12:48

I am trying this

We have just had a nit infestation so i was conditioning my hair every day to comb it, but not shampooing

I've just washed it only in conditioner again and blow dried it

ZERO frizzziness

tulpe · 02/01/2011 12:57

Cyb - when you only use conditioner to wash do you massage it in to your scalp and hair the way you would with shampoo? Or do you smooth it on/comb it through in the usual manner of conditioner application?

I would like to give this a go but am slightly concerned at the "taking weeks to settle" aspect of it.

CybilScissorhands · 02/01/2011 14:27

I ahve been massaging it in and combing (due to bloody nits)

Honestly, my hair has ZERO frizz (I put a tiny bit of serum on bfore drying)

I didnt bother with the conditioner on the ends and towel faffing

ClaireFromWork · 02/01/2011 22:09

I haven't used shampoo or conditioner for 6 months. I wet thoroughly daily in the shower and let it dry naturally. It's never been in better condition.

otchayaniye · 03/01/2011 09:16

I cleanse with non paraben conditioner and it makes my curly hair much curlier. I have done this for about a year.

otchayaniye · 03/01/2011 09:17

and non-silicone I should add. Something like Inecto Coconut conditioner which is 99p in Savers.


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nightcat · 03/01/2011 20:45

Wow, this is a revelation for me, thanks guys
my hairdresser keeps telling my my hair is v v dry, I had thought this was mainly b/c of the colouring, but I am now going to try conditioner only.
As I am completely new to this, do you think it will be OK if I wash it just once a week using conditioner only? Or should I leave longer b/w washes? Until now I washed it every other day, but will leave it now for a week to see what happens.

nightcat · 03/01/2011 20:47

forgot to say, I am intrigued by the self-cleansing idea, mind you ears are supposed to be self cleansing, so maybe it works on hair too?
My dad who is in a nursing home was told by staff no need to bath more than once a month as skin creates an oily barrier to germs.

CybilScissorhands · 03/01/2011 20:48

Ooh dunno about not bathing- sounds like the nurses couldnt be bothered!

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