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Are these nice or have I lost my mind?

38 replies

Umlellala · 01/10/2008 11:34

See, I was searching ebay for knitted boots for my baby, and came across these which as you can see are for adults. Google research revealed them to be, as you can see, Ugg boots and therefore fashionable but v expensive (I would obv buy the ebay rip-offs... in grey)

Now, to me they look quite funky, warm, comfy, like that they are not black but would go with anything - skirts/dresses and trousers. Are they really, or have I lost it in the depths of newborn sleep deprivation, or about to buy granny boots? (wouldn't normally ask but really can't make my mind up...)

OP posts:
anyfucker · 01/10/2008 18:46

errr, under fifty quid you are pushing it for cool and trendy boots

try ebay, these are ones I've got me beady eyes on, so only in size 6 but there are loads of em on there

Cocolepew · 01/10/2008 18:52

These are much cheaper

Themasterandmargaritas · 01/10/2008 19:00

Actually I kind of like them Umlella.

But then I did use to live in Dalston.

moondog · 01/10/2008 19:33


Umlellala · 01/10/2008 19:40

Ok, ok. I am not going to buy the boots (although the rebel in me...)

So, am on the hunt for biker type boots that look good with a skirt (can be more than £50 I guess as will try to find ebay rip-off version anyway)

Anyf, those Cat ones are the ones I had (don't worry, am a size 5 - though they do come up small). I loved them - so flattering, but heavy!

OP posts:
Flamebat · 01/10/2008 19:41

Nappies has the knitted ones - they don't have the ugg fluffiness all the way up.

I want k=biker books.

and the money to buy them

kt14 · 01/10/2008 20:06

Wouldn't personally wear the cardy boots but how much do I want these?

Gorgeous. £159 even on ebay though. Yikes..

Umlellala · 01/10/2008 20:21

Oh, they do look nice! (not an Ugg fan in general... didn't realise the knitted ones were Ugg until I did the research)

OP posts:
kt14 · 01/10/2008 20:26

was very anti ugg until I actually tried some on and was totally converted. Like wearing warm fluffy clouds on your feet.

anyfucker · 01/10/2008 20:39

ohhh yes, kt, those are orgasmic

umlellala, I tried the mardy boots on in Office, you are right they do come up small, they seemed tight across the instep

I am a nawty girl, I try on in the shops then buy online on Ebay or Amazon

I got some Bronx biker boots from an Ebay shop this week. The exact boots as in Schuh retail shop, but £10 cheaper even with postage. Not a copy or ripoff, you just have to be pretty savvy about what you bid on.

ladytophamhatt · 01/10/2008 20:46

Why would anyone want to wear slippers outdoors?

thats what Ugg boots are...Outdoor slippers!

elsiepiddock · 01/10/2008 20:57

They are ugly bugly.I saw a mum in playground wearing them today.

Mind you, I hate Uggs. Unless you're tall with skinny legs, they look monstrous.

Flamebat · 01/10/2008 21:09

Uggs have grown on me.

I do like slippers though

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