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Grey silk cocktail dress , have looked everywhere??????????

32 replies

melsy · 11/08/2008 15:20

I seem to have a fixation on this as wanted a top the same a few weeks back. I have several occasions that call for a dress , but I want one quite modern and drapy and preferably on the knee as this suits my leg shape.

I bought one in Wharehouse on Saturday (although not on their website) and just showed it to my sis who thinks its far from flattering, Im beginning to agree!

Tis a shame as the top half around the chest area is nicely designed - long rever collar that ends in a drapy knot with satin sheen,low v, folded back short sleeves and the body area is more matt. It feels good to the waist, but the bottom half combines a drapy tulip shape with a 1920's style deep gusset thing and I look severly pear shaped in it and come to think of it frumpy!!!

OP posts:
G2B · 15/08/2008 23:12

The newlook link, but it's a bubble dress £18

G2B · 15/08/2008 23:14

sorry, meant this:

melsy · 15/08/2008 23:18

Thats quite cute. Really not sure about the bubble thing on me though, such shorty I am.

I love the £200+ dress!!!!!!!!

OP posts:
G2B · 15/08/2008 23:19

Me too. That's my favourite so far lol. Typical isn't it? Mind you, it's ASOS, it'll be in the sale for about £2 in a couple of weeks!

melsy · 15/08/2008 23:23

whats the thoughts on the wharehouse one?

OP posts:
melsy · 15/08/2008 23:25

hehehe thats so true G2B. I need a shrinky dink size though and they all go (wont use proper sad face , cos lets face it , its not a tragedy hey, well may be a fashion one)!!!!!

OP posts:
G2B · 15/08/2008 23:29

I love the warehouse one but I totally know what you mean about the shape.

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