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LONG tights for LONG legs

31 replies

FluffyMummy123 · 01/01/2008 10:09

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mylittleponey · 09/01/2008 10:35

john lewis has super tights

RoxyMonoxide · 09/01/2008 10:33

DD1 has that problem (she gets the long legs from her father )

Was going to suggest the more expensive 40 denier ones from Marks. She was always complaining that the others fell down, but seems fine with these. I see you have already discovered them.

TheGoatofBitterness · 09/01/2008 10:23

i go to tk max and buy the expensive ones marked down. rich people have longer legs you know! or you could do what i used to do at school and wear large green pants over the top to hold them up.

FluffyMummy123 · 09/01/2008 10:20

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MrsJohnCusack · 04/01/2008 04:18

I can vouch for chonky having exceptionally long legs

the cow

morgymoo182 · 04/01/2008 02:11

Try having long and fat legs! Have started wearing knickers over my tights just to save myself the embarrassment!

lalalonglegs · 01/01/2008 11:35

Wolford - cost a fortune but I wear them for special occasions and so, apparently, do drag queens .

FluffyMummy123 · 01/01/2008 11:19

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Swedes2Turnips1 · 01/01/2008 11:18

Why not wear pop socks. LOL

SpawnChorus · 01/01/2008 11:12

lololol I meant hold ups not pull ups.

SpawnChorus · 01/01/2008 11:11

Why not wear stockings instead? Or pull ups?

Swedes2Turnips1 · 01/01/2008 10:49

How awful for you having long legs.

PrismManchip · 01/01/2008 10:45

Chonky I have tried M but the gusset ends half way down my thighs and my toes get squished alarmingly

Countingthegreyhairs · 01/01/2008 10:42

Another vote for German tights

Countingthegreyhairs · 01/01/2008 10:40

Have same problem Cod. Am 1,72 m with 80cm inside leg (downside is I don't have any waist at all - height comes only from pins so nothing fits)

I buy M & S Large or Ex Size or other makes XL and they are OK-ish.

I find the posher brands in large sizes(Fogal or Wolford for example) that have a proper toe and heel fit better in general.

Also see and click on 'hosiery for longer legs' on home page. Never used site before but may have useful pointers.

GeekgirlRoastingOnAnOpenFire · 01/01/2008 10:39

you do have to yank tights up as you put them on [wonders how cod wears tights?!?!]

chonky · 01/01/2008 10:38

M is for tallish people (up to 1.76m) and up to a size 12.

PrismManchip · 01/01/2008 10:37

I have worn M+S XL as a 10. 12 and 14
They bloody hurt round the waist after half a day
I can't see how they can fit a size 18, honestly
I am off to google Danish tights

Maidamess · 01/01/2008 10:37

Wear your knickers over your tights

chonky · 01/01/2008 10:37

I get Large too - XL is far too big. Looking at the sizing guide I reckon you're only a M cod.

FluffyMummy123 · 01/01/2008 10:33

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GeekgirlRoastingOnAnOpenFire · 01/01/2008 10:31

I'm the same height/leg length as chonky and have no problem with M&S tights

Large fits fine. XL is apparently for size 18 upwards so wider rather than longer.


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FluffyMummy123 · 01/01/2008 10:30

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PrismManchip · 01/01/2008 10:29

They do pull a bit
God knows what they think they are doing with the sizing
I hate M+S at the best of times and in particular their tights (and scratchy bras)

FluffyMummy123 · 01/01/2008 10:28

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