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My mid-40s Botox experience (good!)

69 replies

Thingsarel00kingup · 02/09/2020 18:25

Just posting to say, if you're my sort of age and undecided, do it!

I'd 'ummmed' and 'aaahed' about it for ages and kept persevering with different serums, moisturisers etc, hoping for the magic elixir!

Cost put me off and the worry of it going wrong, or looking silly. I finally had it for the first time last week. Saw a highly recommended local aesthetician who was very knowledgeable, went through all my concerns etc and even suggested I DIDN'T have my laughter lines done as it wouldn't suit.

The full results show in two weeks, but already I can see an amazing transformation. I look as happy as I am, rather than the slightly cross look my 11s gave. It looks natural, there's still movement, it just all looks a lot less creased! Like a nicely ironed pillow case Grin

OP posts:
Stinkyjellycat · 04/09/2020 09:15

Grin thanks, I’ve never had one before! I might print it out and stick it on my jumper

Lurkingforawhile · 04/09/2020 09:47

Zoom meetings have made me think about it too! I have these weird wrinkles on my dimples - they are sort of comma shaped and get narrower towards the bottom. I’ve only seen them before on one person. Not sure if it’s filler or Botox I need but I need something! Will have a look at Glowday

IndieTara · 04/09/2020 10:52

There are also companies that use people for 'models ' while they are training practitioners for Botox and fillers. Prices are greatly reduced and all done under proper supervision

userxx · 04/09/2020 12:51

thanks, I’ve never had one before! I might print it out and stick it on my jumper

I'd love it if you did. Would make my day too :)

SummerSummerSummertime · 05/09/2020 15:33

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userxx · 05/09/2020 19:42

@SummerSummerSummertime 🤣🤣🤣. Don't know what you're talking about do you. Brilliant. Maybe move along to a thread more suited to you.

managedmis · 05/09/2020 19:48

Love me a bit of poison

Cavagirl · 05/09/2020 20:02

@Thingsarel00kingup thinking of having my 11s done, still haven't got round to it as the salon I've had recommended to me is central London and I've no reason to go in yet.... hence me asking - straight after having it done, could you tell? As in, did you have any red marks or anything? If you'd wanted to keep it a secret that you'd had it done, would you have been able to see friends immediately afterwards?

Delatron · 05/09/2020 20:36

I had a coupon of bumps which went down after about 30 minutes?

Thingsarel00kingup · 06/09/2020 09:12

@Cavagirl - no, couldn't tell at all. She recommended I take arnica the day before and on the day, to minimise any bruising.

I bruise really easily and had NOTHING from this. Plus the results show VERY gradually so it's very easy to keep secret - I do!

OP posts:
HowLongToXmas · 06/09/2020 10:23

Well done. I'm about to start something similar but less strong but I'm definitely not closing the door on Botox (in fact I'm also looking into a mini facelift). The way I see it some of us eat white rice instead of brown, some people smoke, some drink a little too much, some eat too much sugar, some don't use sunscreen. At the end of the day Botox is far from going to kill you so if it makes you happy then go for it.

mutinyonthebunty · 06/09/2020 10:32

I had it done on my 11's just after my 40th birthday and I'm really pleased with the result! I was terrified I would look odd or frozen but it's really natural and makes me look a lot less grumpy!

My mid-40s Botox experience (good!)
My mid-40s Botox experience (good!)
Cavagirl · 06/09/2020 11:01

@Thingsarel00kingup @Delatron that's really helpful, thank you both

TryAnotherNickname · 06/09/2020 11:09

11s are the only ones that work for any length of time on me - crows and forehead wear off too quickly to be worth the cash.
When looking for someone, ask what size needles they use - makes a massive difference to dosing and bruising - can get a much better / more subtle effect and no bruising with someone who uses an ultra fine needle; they’re incredibly expensive so as usual you get what you pay for (always use a qualified doctor or nurse practitioner not a beautician or dental nurse with a certificate)

Thesuzle · 06/09/2020 11:16

For the nazo lines ? Which filler. There are loads out there, the rest of my face is doing very well, no forehead lines.

IndieTara · 06/09/2020 11:51

I had no bruising after Botox just a few little pinpricks that disappeared quickly. And I usually bruise very easily. I think a lot of it is down to the practitioner.
Also no bruising after filler although that was a lot more uncomfortable

TryAnotherNickname · 06/09/2020 11:53

@Thesuzle haven’t done it but was recommended juvederm at the temples to lift cheek back upwards and thereby pull lines out - they don’t recommend filling lines themselves anymore, but filling the areas where you’ve lost volume through ageing

IndieTara · 06/09/2020 11:56

@Thesuzle I had my cheeks filled to pull out naso labial lines and it worked really well

userxx · 06/09/2020 11:59

@mutinyonthebunty Wow, massive difference, bet you're really pleased.

SoManyActivities · 06/09/2020 12:02

Surely once you start with botox you have to do it forever though, really? Otherwise it's kind of pointless in the first place?

userxx · 06/09/2020 12:05

@SoManyActivities You can't stop whenever you like. I don't think I'll be having it when I hit 70, I'll leave everything to nature then.

SoManyActivities · 06/09/2020 12:16

This has got me thinking now though - if you have regular botox from 40 to say 60, if you then stop, does your skin and wrinkles just revert to what it would be at 60 if you had never had botox? Wouldn't that be quite a stark change if you had been having botox all that time?! It doesn't freeze time, so you wouldnt be leaving off from where you were at 40, you would be getting your natural 60 year old wrinkles? That's why I was thinking you would have to do it forever. I guess you can 'wean off' it? And I suppose it's extra important to keep up with skincare like SPF etc.

I don't know, I don't know anything about botox to be honest but it does strike me as something that will need to be maintained. A bit like if you always have lash extensions maintained, then if for whatever reason you stop, you will look totally different!


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yecannyshoveyergranny · 06/09/2020 12:22

@mutinyonthebunty you look great

mutinyonthebunty · 06/09/2020 12:26

@userxx yes I'm really pleased, very thin needle so no bruising at all and it looks very natural. I had a 'heavy' feeling for a couple of weeks but it feels completely normal now. I did read about muscle atrophy if you have too much, where the muscle eventually stops working properly from lack of use, but I think as long as you have some movement and you aren't completely frozen then it's fine.

TableNiner · 06/09/2020 12:26

I think it can be preventative in that the muscle is frozen so no more damage can be done.

I wonder about not using the muscle at all and it atrophying (not sure if that’s the right word), as you don’t hear if people who have done it for say thirty years.

There will be plenty of people who use it over a lifetime in the future, given the rise of twenty somethings using it as prevention.

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