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Best trousers for chubby legs

8 replies

Theluggage15 · 31/05/2020 12:39

I’m never sure which trousers you should buy if your legs are chubby. Tight trousers make my legs look like a couple of sausages, wider trousers make my legs look huge. Are plain trousers better than patterned? I do a bit of running (slowly) and my patterned leggings seem to look better than my plain but I’m not sure if that’s the case with trousers? Which length looks good? The only thing that seems to suit me are my plain full length black tailored trousers that I wear to work but I don’t want to wear them at weekends or in the summer.
Any ideas would be gratefully received, I look at loads of websites but just give up.

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Elouera · 31/05/2020 12:46

Depends what you mean by chubby? All over, or larger thighs, calves or something else?

I have a pair of linen trousers I got from asda last year which are cool enough to exercise in, and wide enough to fit a knee brace I wear underneath it.

To slim and flatter, if an item stops at a thinner part of the body, it looks better. 3/4 arm sleeves for example stop at the elbow and make the overall image look slimmer, whereas say a T-shirt that stops in the fattest part of the upper arm shows off the fat.

Its the same with trousers. Other than full length, trousers, capri/ knickerbocker style, which stop just up from the ankle can be flattering and slimming to legs. Some people also like those ones with the elastic that goes under the foot, and stretches the trouser out, giving the illusion of a triangle and making the leg appear thinned out.

Theluggage15 · 31/05/2020 13:17

Thanks @Elouera. They are a bit chubby everywhere really, my ankles are ok though. I think the longer trousers are best for me in that case. I’ll look for some with the underfoot strap. I used to wear linen when I was younger maybe it’s time to give it another try!

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cherrypiepie · 31/05/2020 13:19

I am chubby and short legged too.

I love tapered trousers with a drawstring waist, ankle length or wide cull it's with a high waist and a tucked in top. A turns up cuff helps

cherrypiepie · 31/05/2020 13:20

Have you looked at white stuff - I didn't buy any bit through they had the best selection even if you don't usually shop there.

Zinnia · 31/05/2020 13:23

My legs are the bane of my life - big all over and out of proportion to my (relatively) slimmer top half. As @Elouera says, it's also about where on the leg the trouser ends in terms of how flattering or otherwise it is.

Personally I have a comparatively small waist and larger hips/thighs so fit is always an issue. I tend to go for wide-leg, culotte and balloon/barrel-leg styles, sometimes a carrot shape works as well. Straight leg styles rarely work but I've had some success with boyfriend and mom jeans.

It's a lot of trial and error unfortunately! My best trousers are from Cos, Toast (in the sale - see the Toast thread on here for others waxing lyrical about their trousers), John Lewis's Kin brand (their balloon ones are fantastic but size down) and a couple of wide leg styles from Uniqlo.

Fabric is also a factor - never anything satiny as that's hugely unforgiving, thick cotton or jersey is good, too thin and it will sag in all the wrong places. Unfortunately I think you end up having to spend a bit more to get really good trousers if you have big legs, if only to get the better cut/fabric.

The other thing to bear in mind is altering the hem if you find something that fits on the waist & hips but the length isn't quite right. I use my local dry cleaners/alterations place usually but have even started doing it myself in lockdown!

monkeyonthetable · 31/05/2020 13:27

Try tapered linen trousers or chinos, cropped or turned up to show a bit of ankle. Straight legged not skinny jeans, as dark as possible

Theluggage15 · 31/05/2020 13:34

Thanks @cherrypiepie, I’ll look at White Stuff, and yes my waist is ok so higher trousers may make my legs look longer.
Thanks @Zinnia, I will look at the sites and styles you recommend and yes, agree about the fabric some thinner materials make my legs look frightening!

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Theluggage15 · 31/05/2020 13:36

@monkeyonthetable. Thanks, yes tapered could be a good style and linen would be nice for summer and my ankles definitely the best bit of my legs!

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