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Everyday knickers

35 replies

BringBiscuits · 04/02/2020 21:02

Where do you get your everyday knickers from? I’m sick of the boring ones from supermarket but they’re comfortable and so I put them on day after day (not same pair obviously).
Any suggestions on alternatives?

OP posts:
FebruaryRainandSleet · 05/02/2020 15:55

I'll second FatFace, but just the ones with smooth inside edges rather than lace.

Creweneck · 05/02/2020 16:15

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pangolina · 05/02/2020 16:23

Primark lace thongs. I feel like I'm wearing a nappy in anything other than a thong.

Jocasta2018 · 05/02/2020 16:26

John Lewis - packs of 5 - varying colours. Comfy and good value.

okiedokieme · 05/02/2020 16:37

Now I'm older with bladder issues, the ones with a secret lining are a godsend! Also handy for annoying breakthrough bleeding also due to age.

WellTidy · 05/02/2020 16:50

I like the m and s flexifit too. I would say they’re true to size in that they’re the same size as the other m and s pants in that size.

jenthelibrarian · 05/02/2020 17:01

I bought a pack of plain white 'shorts' from J Lewis for the gym so I could just chuck them in the hotter whites wash.
They're really good and I've since bought a pack in the nude colour, which have also worn/washed very well.

StarlightLady · 05/02/2020 19:49

...or roll on summer. The best knickers are no knickers with a long summer dress Wink. But it’s not a winter sport!

Oldraver · 06/02/2020 10:55

I used to love Sloggi but they have horrible zig zags elastic on the legs

Currently wearing John Lewis shorts

Ughmaybenot · 06/02/2020 10:59

Primark. The wide waistband, all lace thongs that you get in three-packs. Comfy and really flattering too.

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