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Dripping with jewels - but should it all match?

4 replies

PrettyCandles · 16/08/2007 16:15

Gold filigree earings with a tiny red stone, pearl necklace, silver and amber bracelet on one wrist, wristwatch on the other plus wedding ring on that hand too. Style faux-pas, or OK?

OP posts:
PrettyCandles · 16/08/2007 16:33

Me too NdP, normally. But I've fallen in love with both the bracelet and the necklace (but not with the earrings that match the necklace) and they're just sitting there in their boxes, never being worn because I don't go anywhere dressy, so I thought what the heck.

Never imagined I would be at the cutting edge of fashion though!

OP posts:
nomdeplume · 16/08/2007 16:17

a bit much imho, but then I'm a wedding rings & earrings kinda gal

MamaG · 16/08/2007 16:17

I'd say no, a bit too diff

CountessDracula · 16/08/2007 16:16

i read somewhere the other day that non-matching jewelry is de rigeur atm

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