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How to wear in Dr Martens?

84 replies

confusedandemployed · 09/09/2019 18:27

I've recently taken possession of the most beautiful boots in the world (see pic), but by Christ they are murder! I'm trying to wear them at home all day, but am having to do so with the laces laced only halfway up and the side zips down. They are rubbing my heels like buggery! Does anyone have any tips for breaking them in, especially as they are glittery so the dubbin / softening wax is presumably a no go?

How to wear in Dr Martens?
OP posts:
IJustWantToWearDungarees · 09/09/2019 20:34

Agree with PP. Cover the pressure points of your feet (heels, little toe, etc) with plasters, then wear normal socks, then thick walking socks. Then try walking around in them for a couple of hours each day. The pain is honestly worth it and I only found they took a week or so.

Also, different styles take different amounts of breaking in. I have some classic DMs which were agony, as were My Triumphs, but my Chelsea DMs were fine. Just got a pair of canvas DM shoes, though, and they might be the toughest yet. I have taken to carrying around spare strip plasters whenever I wear them. They are beautiful though. 😀

confusedandemployed · 09/09/2019 20:53

OMG thank you all! I never expected so many replies! Happily I think they seem to be softening at last. I will definitely try the hairdryer, dubbin inside and plasters and long socls. I'm not giving up on them, they are theost beautiful shoes I've ever owned!

OP posts:
confusedandemployed · 09/09/2019 20:54

Oops sorry typos, hopefully obvious.

OP posts:
Hopesorfears · 09/09/2019 21:00

I have owned about 6 pairs of different docs in my life, and never had any trouble with them until the last pair I bought which are a Mary Jane style. Can't be arsed with months of breaking in, what shoe is worth that? They just live in the cupboard.

confusedandemployed · 09/09/2019 21:06

@Hopesorfears I've owned a few back in the dim and distant, but these are my first Docs in about 20years.
But in answer to your question : THESE shoes are worth it!! 😆
Seriously, I've been looking for a pair of boots which are both gorgeous and comfortable for years now. I accept that Docs need wearing in, and with my bunion, inrowing toenails and general disgusting feet, I'm willing to give these a try. My days of slim boots, stilettos and kitten heels are over...

OP posts:
Chocolateteabag · 09/09/2019 21:09

@whifflesqueak - I'm with you - I have had no problems at all with my "fur" lined Serena 1460's - maybe just that style but they've never rubbed at all?

Chocolateteabag · 09/09/2019 21:12

Sorry - just read my last back and it sounds a bit arsey!!
What I mean is - I think it must depend on the style of the boot as to how much wearing in you need.
I definitely recommend the Serena boots and they are on sales at £95 here!

Ellapaella · 09/09/2019 21:13

Compeed heel plasters, Doc Martens wonder balm and thick socks are your friend for the next few weeks. Took 3 weeks for mine to soften up and stop rubbing. One foot was fine but my left heel took a bashing. Wonder balm is brilliant, just rub it in every other day and it'll soften the leather in no time.

confusedandemployed · 09/09/2019 21:15

Quick question - do I put the balm on the outside, or given the glitter, the inside?

OP posts:
HairyChinChin · 09/09/2019 21:18

The sales assistant told me not to use the balm on the glitter boots.

missbattenburg · 09/09/2019 21:20

I don't know OP but I suddenly and desperately want DMs. Haven't had a pair for twenty years and hadn't realised how my life was missing something 😂

Ellapaella · 09/09/2019 21:24

Hmmmm yes good point OP. I put on the outside but no harm in trying it on the inside?

confusedandemployed · 09/09/2019 21:28

@missbattenburg I know how you feel! It was partly desperation and partly nostalgia which made me buy them, but I adore them. Do it!! I got them at half price...

OP posts:
Hopesorfears · 09/09/2019 21:29

I'm living in Birkenstock's now! As a fellow toenail sufferer, I would heartily recommend getting them lopped off. Made a massive difference to me.

SkintSanta · 09/09/2019 21:30

Baby oil. Twice a day, all over the insides. If you use your hands rather than a rag or similar and massage it in, it will warm as you rub. That’s how I’ve broken in all my docs, the longest it took was a week with the patent pinks, but honestly the rest just a few days. Once they were well massaged (sounds so bloody weird) I’d stick them on with a medium thick pair of hiking socks and just chill on the sofa in them for about half hour while it cools down. Perfectly moulded dms at the end of it.

confusedandemployed · 09/09/2019 21:31

Oooh brilliant @SkintSant I'll do that...

OP posts:
Hopesorfears · 09/09/2019 21:37

(they are very beautiful)

Bananasandchocolatecustard · 10/09/2019 09:09

Don’t bother with the DM socks. I’m still trying to break in a pair of Mary Janes I bought last year.

Pinkdoor · 10/09/2019 09:53

Baby oil on the INSIDE?! surely it's sticky and horrible?

PurpleDaisies · 10/09/2019 09:58

I have no wisdom beyond compeed plasters. Persevere. My beautiful vegan cherry red boots are finally comfy after a not very fun period of breaking them in.

Mabelface · 10/09/2019 10:04

Agree with the socks sold by dm. I've broken in a couple of pairs using these. They're reinforced around the sore bits.

HairyChinChin · 10/09/2019 10:46

Will baby oil work if the glitter boots are not actually leather?


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StewedFruit · 10/09/2019 11:06

I went for the unisex ones in the end, had a pair of womens but were sooo tight across the foot and couldn't see how I would ever get them comfy enough. The unisex 1460 cherry red seem wider, don't know, but have had no problems at all. I love them!!

Gooseygoosey12345 · 10/09/2019 11:42

Hairdryer to warm them up then a few pairs of thick socks. If they've already rubbed you wait til you've healed to start or it's not going to work. I have an oxblood red pair and I adore them (my DH say they make me look blokey but he clearly has no sense of fashion)

VimFuego101 · 10/09/2019 11:50

I put strips of duct tape up the back to cover the stabby heel bit.

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