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teeth whitening

14 replies

11112222 · 03/03/2017 21:44

whats the best diy way to do it?

OP posts:
Paninotogo · 03/03/2017 21:46

Crest whitestrips

LadyOfTheCanyon · 04/03/2017 06:24

What Panino said.

FairfaxAikman · 04/03/2017 06:43

For properly white you'd need something like Zoom from a qualified dentist.

andadietcoke · 04/03/2017 06:52

Definitely Whitestrips. After 5 applications I could see a massive difference. I have another box to do them again and it's the hour ones not the half hour though and I just haven't been bothered. I've always had the professional effects ones. No idea what these are - my dad went shopping for me in the US.

SorrelSoup · 04/03/2017 06:55

Do the Whitestrips cause sensitivity?

forfucksakenet · 04/03/2017 07:35

Any idea where you can get these in the U.K. ?

Fluffycloudland77 · 04/03/2017 08:58

You'd have to buy them on eBay, their not legal here.

11112222 · 04/03/2017 11:47

Thanks guys. Whitestips off eBay it is then. Has anyone had any side effects from them?

Fluffy - why are they illegal here? What's in them?

OP posts:
HeyRoly · 04/03/2017 11:48

If they're not legal, are they going to wreck your enamel?

I'd like my teeth to be whiter, but I don't want to cause permanent damage.

FairfaxAikman · 04/03/2017 12:14

I'm guessing they are illegal here because in the U.K. It would come under dental work and only a qualified dentist can do dental work.

specialsubject · 04/03/2017 14:45

In the UK there is a strict limit on the amount of bleach that can be sold in over the counter whitening products. So in practice none of them work - as most beauty products have careful wording and dont work, this is standard.

If you want actual whitening, you go to someone who spent years at dental school and will be able to do something without wrecking your teeth.

America likes the horse with a piano in its mouth look and so there is no regulation there. You can buy their products online and get them sent here. You do risk looking ridiculous now and toothless later.

hollinhurst84 · 04/03/2017 14:48

What special said. I had zoom whitening and got a good difference

MaQueen · 04/03/2017 14:54

I get my teeth professionally whitened as a perk of my job. There's a good reason why these products are illegal in the UK, if they're unregulated they can do permanent damage to your teeth, and burn your gums.

In the UK you aren't allowed to use anything stronger than a 6% mix, which can still give you very good results.

TeacupDrama · 04/03/2017 14:58

In EU the maximum amount t of whitening agent is 0.06% if it has a cosmetic ie toothpastes. The maximum in a dental product that is licences for dentists to use is 6% is 100 x more. no-one except a dentist can use / supervise the use of these, it doesn't matter if a beautician has been on a course or not it is the illegal practice of dentistry. Crest whitestrips do not have a license to be sold any where in Europe
Use of stronger d products can weaken enamel cause chemical burns on the gum or cause extreme sensitivity

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