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Work wardrobe help.

1 reply

BagelDog · 27/10/2016 13:37

Heading back to work from maternity leave soon, and a bit stuck. Always worn scrubs to work, at least for the last few years, but now for the next year need to be smart, bare below the elbows, and everything must be very washable... plus I will likely be pregnant again soon all being well, so need non pregnant winter clothes then summer and autumn with a bump. Not a vast budget so a capsule wardrobe. But of what to cover all these bases?? Help!

If it helps I am size 8 at the moment but get fairly vast and very busty when pregnant, 5 foot five, no waist to speak of post babies, muddy blond long hair with frizz of growing out post baby loss, usually plonked in a mum-bun.

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BagelDog · 27/10/2016 15:10

Hopeful bump...

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