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What accessories with this dress?

3 replies

user1469203244 · 27/10/2016 11:39

Just ordered this dress but I'm not sure what colour accessories to go with it? I was originally thinking black shoes with a gold heel but I am not sure they definitely go with the dress. I'm also looking for a nice bag which would go too. Help! The dress is for a winter wedding by the way.

OP posts:
TheMasterMurderedMargarita · 27/10/2016 11:47

I think the black ones shown are a bit dull.
I would go for a bright yellow or pink like ASOS harness (can't link sorry) same for bag and a black blazer.

TheMasterMurderedMargarita · 27/10/2016 11:48

Dress is gorgeous BTW!

squiz81 · 27/10/2016 13:21

I don't think I like black shoes with it. Think something more muted like grey would work better.

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