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Mothers and portion sizes as they get older - is it just mine?

57 replies

DrScholl · 24/10/2016 16:43

My mother SERIOUSLY maintains that 1 chicken thigh per person is enough.
Today at lunch, - soup ( barely covered bottom of bowl) then one baguette for five of us.

OP posts:
JamieVardysParty · 26/10/2016 18:00

I'd have one chicken thigh, with half a plate of green salad, half an avocado and some form of carb - usually 30g of pasta or half a sweet potato. DH would have 2-3 with the same sides.

We are both tall, slim (ish) with fairly active jobs and go to the gym 4 times a week.

I burn around 1800 calories per day and the above meal would be about 450-550 calories. Seems about right to me.

LadyMetroland · 26/10/2016 18:01

My mum is terrible with portions too. The worst is pasta, where she'll serve up plates with around half the portion size we'd serve ourselves. DH is incredulous at how little he's given but is too polite to say anything. However when we visit she always makes a proper pudding so he invariably fills up with that. So we can't complain really.

We are a slim family so I don't think she does small portions for weight reasons - I think it's more an age thing.

Janey50 · 26/10/2016 18:02

My DD bought herself a bacon and egg baguette (about 6 inches long,filled with 2 rashers of bacon and 1 egg) from a burger van at a car boot sale. Her MIL was scandalised,saying it was 'enough to feed a family of 4 for a week'. Consequently,DD didn't get offered any lunch when they got back to MIL's house,as apparently she had 'eaten quite enough for that day'. DD says that she always feels like she has been put on an instant diet every time she goes to MIL's house. I think treating guests like this is rude,even if you are related.

Bejazzled · 26/10/2016 18:07

Janey50 yes, very rude!

FannyWincham · 26/10/2016 18:11

Janey it's a control thing. Horrible.

SallyR0se · 26/10/2016 18:16

My mother weighs the same as the day she got married at age 20, more than 40 years ago. She eats far less than I do & very healthily. Her meals are never actual popular dishes, but a random collection of whatever veg etc is in the fridge. She can match anything, as long as it's veggie / sugar free. My husband marvels at the rare time he's given anything tasty! And Dad supplements his healthy lunches & dinners with plenty of biscuits & sweets. But she does tut loudly if I reach for the chocolate...

Gwenhwyfar · 26/10/2016 19:18

"the rice had been weighed as per Hairy Dieter's book so a normal portion"

The Hairy Bikers are big men, even after dieting so if the portions are meant for them, they would be too big for women.

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