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How long should my trousers be?

3 replies

ilovecherries · 25/07/2016 11:54

Ok, I know it's ridiculous that I don't know this, but I seem to have spent the last decade in yoga pants and I am really trying to smarten myself up. I ordered some straight leg trousers in navy and black - maybe even slightly tapered at the bottom but not hugely so. They have little notches on the outside of the leg at the ankles. I think I actually look quite nice in them ,but have no idea what length I need. In flats, the 31 touches the top of the shoe at the back, at the front, it's leaving a fair expanse of foot exposed. There is no excess material folding over my foot - it just stops. The 33 covers the back of the shoe (but doesn't touch the floor) and covers most of the front of my foot down to the shoe. Because it's resting on the foot, the notch on the ankle is opening up, and there is def a fold in the material. I was thinking the longer one, but I'm not sure if that's me playing safe. Please help me, as I'd like to return the two pairs I don't need today, and get that £100 back on my credit card! If it makes a difference, I never wear heels, these would be worn with ballet flats, brogues or ankle boots.

OP posts:
Runningupthathill82 · 25/07/2016 13:41

If I were you I'd definitely keep the shorter one. Could we have a link to the trousers though?

BigginsforPope · 25/07/2016 13:50

I think the shorter pair two but it would be helpful if we could see a picture of the trousers. I think smarter trousers can be just on the top of the foot especially if you are wearing a more open shoe. If they were jeans I would say longer is better.

ilovecherries · 25/07/2016 14:08

Thank you! My daughter just popped home for lunch, took one look at me wearing the long ones and said 'mum, get these off, they look like you're wearing dad's trousers. Get two inches taken off them'. So I guess that's the shorter ones then, and I just need to get used to feeling exposed!

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