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Nail polish - does this exist?

7 replies

LadyAntonella · 26/05/2016 08:53

I am on the hunt for a nail polish which only requires one coat and dries quickly. Does this exist? Budget would be up to £20. Smile

OP posts:
ThinkPinkStink · 26/05/2016 08:55

Having tried a bazillion nail varnishes I've found the best for quick drying and single coat are cheapo Boots17 and Maybelline!

lazybones77 · 26/05/2016 09:01

Maybelline colour show or anything by rimmel. I would still put a base and top coat on though.

Nabootique · 26/05/2016 09:05

I am a total nail varnish addict and the only ones I have found that really are one coat are A England, a British indie brand.

BatteryOperatedBoyfriend · 26/05/2016 09:08

Bought the Max Factor Gel Shine lacquer yesterday and it fits your brief!

Get a good fast dry top coat, that makes such a difference. Can recommend Sally Hansen Insta dri.

Nail polish - does this exist?
LadyAntonella · 26/05/2016 09:41

Thanks a million all.

OP posts:
ThinkPinkStink · 26/05/2016 10:11
Flumpnugget · 26/05/2016 14:09

Barry M
Speedy Quick dry.
Fabulous stuff!

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