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cheaper to clothe yourself if thinner

25 replies

RavioliOnToast · 18/01/2016 10:55

Is it just me or does anybody else find it cheaper to dress yourself decently when you're slimmer?

I am currently a 16- hoping to be a 12-14 eventually through diet and exercise. I used to be 12-14 and found it a lot cheaper and easier to just chuck something on and look relatively decent. Now I need to buy curve jeans and jackets etc and it's so hard to find something that properly flatters me .

Does anyone else find this or am I fibbing? Haha

OP posts:
RavioliOnToast · 20/01/2016 10:12

Lucked that's exactly what I meant haha- you just phrased t a lot better.

I find it really hard to shop for my size, while also trying to conceal my big mam belly. My arms are bigger than they were too. I dream of going in the wardrobe, theowing a pair of jeans and a tshirt on and knowing I look alright, instead of making sure the jeans fit on the waist properly, and my muffin top is disguised and the tshirt is long enough

OP posts:
Knackeredknitter67 · 19/01/2016 13:02

I have been a size 8 (in the 90's when a size 8 was very very thin) and hated the way I looked in most clothes, especially dresses. I am now a size 8-10 and have just begun to realise that the reason I don't look as good as my size 14-16 friend is down to my poor posture. I'm making more of an effort now to stand up straighter with shoulders back, and it makes a huge difference. You can look good in almost anything if you carry yourself well

MagicalHamSandwich · 19/01/2016 07:13

It depends. I'm a size 6/8 and I can never find stuff in sales as they only ever seen to have larger stuff. I've also got a tiny waist and a proportionally quite a bit larger (though obviously still small) bum, so anything fitted will have to be altered or I will look as though I'm drowning in it.

OTOH clothes are specifically made for people with my body type so on average they will look better on me than average.

Bunbaker · 19/01/2016 07:01

"I agree, clothes just hang better when you're slimmer, especially if you've got big boobs!"

And hang very badly when you have no boobs - like me Sad

Destinysdaughter · 19/01/2016 01:07

I agree, clothes just hang better when you're slimmer, especially if you've got big boobs!

WhataRacquet · 19/01/2016 00:57

I agree Bunbaker, everything I picked up was at least 14 and above.

Raasay · 18/01/2016 23:47

I have been a size 20 and a size 8. It is considerably easier to shop as a size 8.

As a bigger size I tended to need clothes to be better cut, better quality of fabric, to have good linings etc in order for everything to sit nicely.

At size 8 it doesn't matter as much because I'm not worried about how the fabric will drape because I'm not disguising anything.

At a smaller size my outfits are considerably less planned, a simple tshirt and jeans can look great. Size 20 takes more planning and effort.

Bunbaker · 18/01/2016 23:45

I can never find my size (10 or 12) in the sales. They are either 6/8 or a 16 and above.

RookieMonster · 18/01/2016 23:40

Working my way down to a size 10/12 has not been cheap, but it is a bit easier to find nice things at a wider range of shops at this size. I am still relying on charity shops and matalan at the moment but have my sights set on a shopping trip in the spring that won't actually end up with me dejected and miserable.

Lucked · 18/01/2016 23:33

I just find my choices are more limited, an item of clothing being available in a 16 isn't enough, it needs to be cut right and more effort has to go into concealing areas. Pre children at size 10-12 if I liked the look of it I could probably wear it and if I saw a style in a magazine I would try it out. These day I sometimes look beyond ridiculous when I look at myself in the changing room mirror.

So yes more expensive, I had an event to go to recently and tried on numerous dresses but the only one that flattered my shape was £150.

Eachpeachpearplum1985 · 18/01/2016 16:44

Where do you buy your non-saggy waist, curvey bum jeans BookNeek?

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 18/01/2016 16:43

Yes. Sometimes I can get away with buying children's clothes ( leggings, socks etc) which is way cheaper. Having said that, my friend is size 16, has a beautiful face/ hair and would look good in a binliner.

StrapOnDodo · 18/01/2016 16:04

I'm an 8-10 size 6 feet and I find it easy to find stuff my size in charity shops. I think I look fine even though more than half of my stuff is second hand.

hiccupgirl · 18/01/2016 15:59

I agree with JohnnyDepp. I'm a 16-18 and find loads of things in sales. Yesterday I got a dress reduced by 70% with only the size 16 left.

I've never been a 10-12 as an adult so I have no idea if that would be cheaper. But having been a 22-24, dressing now is much easier and cheaper so maybe it does hold true as a general rule.

Botchit · 18/01/2016 15:25

But definitely much expensive to clothe yourself if above 5ft 10" whether a size 10 or 18.

JaxTellerIsAllMine · 18/01/2016 15:20

I think it depends on what you are trying to wear. If your clothes are cut well it should sit properly. But you have to wear clothes designed and cut for your shape. Otherwise it will all look like shit on a stick.

MsBojangles · 18/01/2016 15:17

The thinner I am, the better clothes look and the more I want to buy!

JapanNextYear · 18/01/2016 15:12

I'd be able to wear all those clothes I've been keeping for 3 years while I wait for the 2 stone to magically disappear...

toffeeboffin · 18/01/2016 15:09

Totally true.

I look way better at a size ten than a 14. Most stuff looks good, and even cheap stuff fits better.

I need to be a lot more creative to look good at a size 16 i.e. perfect jeans, long top, arms covered, etc etc. Also, hair makeup etc etc has to be spot on too.

BookNeek · 18/01/2016 15:06

Yes. I honestly do believe that its easier and cheaper to shop for clothes when you're slim.

At size 12 I can buy the cheap end of the high street and still look OK. At size 16-18, I couldn't, really. Most clothes aren't cut for bigger curves. Even at a 12, I have to spend money on jeans that fit a curvy bum and dont sag at the waist.

My sister is a size 8-10 and can wear a flimsy piece of fabric from Primark and look great, whereas on me it just screams...well... 'Primark' Grin

ThatsHowYouGetAnts · 18/01/2016 14:34

As a size 10-12 with size 6 feet I feel your sale shopping pain, JohnnyDeppsFutureWife!

Keep trawling the sales thinking those with size 3 feet or 23-inch waist jeans have got it bloody made Grin

JohnnyDeppsfuturewife · 18/01/2016 14:08

It's funny but this is the complete opposite of my experience. When I was 16-18 I lived in clothes I'd bought in sales. Now I'm 10 these clothes seem to sell out before the sale starts and I find myself looking through racks of reduced clothes that are size 16.

Obviously I love being thinner but it is annoying paying the full price for things in season rather than mainly buying in sales.

(The shops I go to are places like phase eight, marks, John Lewis, occasionally white stuff.)


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Thefitfatty · 18/01/2016 11:24

Yes. When I was thinner I could go to the sales section and always find something to fit. Now, since my size is the average, I have to buy it full price or its gone.

TheCatsMeow · 18/01/2016 11:22

Shit clothes look shit regardless of size. I'm a size 8-10 and I don't think my clothes are any cheaper than average tbh

CoolToned · 18/01/2016 11:18

This is true.

Like you, I'm a 16 (there, I accepted it) and I was 12-14 six months ago. Everything just looked a lot better on me back then, even $5 tops.

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