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fixing flaky patches on face?

6 replies

JimmyGreavesMoustache · 14/12/2015 14:22

i have a couple of small mildly flaky areas on my cheeks near my nose. Can anyone recommend anything to help sort these out?

the one caveat is that I don't want to change my cleanser - I have acne (thanks, PCOS!) and it's taken me years to find the right cleanser. Everything else is up for grabs though.

OP posts:
JimmyGreavesMoustache · 14/12/2015 18:47

excellent -thanks again. I'll probably order the eucerin tonight, and pick up some of the peel stuff at the weekend. fingers crossed...

OP posts:
Destinysdaughter · 14/12/2015 17:36
hugoagogo · 14/12/2015 15:13

Eucerin cream - it has transformed my skin.

JimmyGreavesMoustache · 14/12/2015 14:51

thanks both - I will have a look at both of these suggestions

OP posts:
MitzyLeFrouf · 14/12/2015 14:33

A couple of nights a week I apply some Superdrug Glycolic Overnight Peel. It sorts out any dry patches really well. Just splodge it on last thing before bed.

It's a gentle introduction to glycolic acid.

FrustratedFrugal · 14/12/2015 14:33

Eucerin 5% urea cream. I have acne-prone skin too. If they persist, see a GP as sometimes there is an underlying issue that requires medication.

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