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Please recommend something for my baggy eyes

2 replies

Sidge · 30/09/2015 12:06

I've got pretty good skin normally but have noticed lately that my eyelids are looking quite puffy and the skin under my eyes is baggy. I appreciate that some ageing is inevitable but I'd rather not look like I've not slept for a week!

I drink lots of water, don't smoke, I'm not unduly tired and am relatively wrinkle-free. What can you recommend to make me look bright eyed and bushy tailed again?

I don't know if I need eye cream, serum, or a general anti-ageing moisturiser. I don't mind spending a bit on some decent products.

Thanks in advance Smile

OP posts:
Qwertybynature · 30/09/2015 12:27

Baggy eyes is a bit of trait in our family. I've been using Clinique 'all about eyes' for the past ten or so years and its kept them at bay for now. It's only £25 and lasts around 2 - 3 months. I've tried other brands (cheaper ones) but I always go back to this one.

Sidge · 30/09/2015 12:57

Thanks Qwerty I might give that a try!

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