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Darcy Bussell wears Boden - pic

50 replies

pinkfrocks · 09/07/2015 21:02

skirt, top and shoes

Darcy Bussell wears Boden - pic
OP posts:
SaulGood · 10/07/2015 12:54

Raasay, I couldn't agree more. Needs fake tan? Because she is the wrong colour presumably?

I find this kind of thread spectacularly mean. If she was modelling clothes then by all means comment on the clothes she is modelling. She does not deserve to be ridiculed, compared to a man in drag, told what she needs to do to gain other women's approval or be openly laughed at on the internet.

I hope to God she never reads this bile.

AmeliaPeabody · 10/07/2015 12:58

I find this kind of thread spectacularly mean. If she was modelling clothes then by all means comment on the clothes she is modelling. She does not deserve to be ridiculed, compared to a man in drag, told what she needs to do to gain other women's approval or be openly laughed at on the internet.

I agree, Saul. Though I think most of us have been negative about the outfit only

LashesandLipstick · 10/07/2015 13:01

I agree with Saul what an unpleasant thread

SaulGood · 10/07/2015 13:04

It's probably fine to say you don't like the clothes. Absolutely fine. They're probably not what I'd wear tbh. Most people manage to separate the two thankfully.

However, comments on her midlife crisis, laughing at her intentions, lumpy bumpy shins, need to change her hair and skin colour, comments on how she should appear a certain way at all times.


Horrid behaviour. Reminded me of this article.

GobblersKnob · 10/07/2015 13:05

SaulGood Sad you are of course right, by no means was I intending to knock her choices, (but now realise I obviously am). Just forgot myself in a flurry of Boden bashing. The clothes (imo) are not even a tiny bit flattering, but I would totally defend her right to wear them.

Sometimes I hate the internet.

(I wear Boden btw).

Deeznutz · 10/07/2015 13:16

This is a Style and Beauty commentary thread. Sartorially speaking I see no problem with passing comment. She is a beautiful woman but the clothes and hair aren't doing her justice in my opinion.

When I said mid-life crisis I was making the point that as some women age they loose sight of what works for them in the here and now and get a bit lost style wise. Those clothes do nothing for her and I stand by that. Not bile at all but an opinion.

Deeznutz · 10/07/2015 13:18

There is a sort of rampant hypocrisy on this part of the site. People ask for views and when people give their honest verdicts it is heavily personalised.

Get over yourself.

LashesandLipstick · 10/07/2015 13:20

You can be honest without being offensive.

"I personally don't think those clothes are flattering" would be fine

Deeznutz · 10/07/2015 13:23

If you choose to take offence that is your perspective and what you are bringing to the situation.

One person's offence is another's constructive criticism.


LashesandLipstick · 10/07/2015 13:25

How is pulling someone apart constructive? "I think she'd look better in x dress" is constructive.

Y0la · 10/07/2015 13:25

I couldn't walk in those "fun" shoes.

As for fake tan?! why would she ?

Deeznutz · 10/07/2015 13:29

I said she would look better with her natural brunette, a pixie and a palette that suits her skintone. All constructive.

I also mentioned how well she could work a Jean Seberg vibe.

All constructive. I also said she is lovely looking.

I haven't pull anyone apart. God the drama some people feel the need to whip up.... Hmm

LashesandLipstick · 10/07/2015 13:30

Comparing her to a man in drag, someone else said she looked "hideous" etc.

ShirleySmears · 10/07/2015 13:32

Why would anyone be surprised that she looks less glam when out ang about that she does when appearing on a TV programme that is all bout glamour?

She looks like 99% of people living their lives. Maybe not all in Boden, but she looks as "OK" as most people you see in the street.

burnishedsilver · 10/07/2015 13:32

I have no problem with critiquing outfits that are 'on show' - where a celebrity is working or attending an event and is expecting to be photographed. Those outfits are fair game. I take issue with critiquing what they wear on their own time. That's their real life. It's like if I took a photo of my next door neighbour and put it up here for comment. It's not a fair thing to do.

SaulGood · 10/07/2015 13:34

Absolutely. You can say whatever you like. That clearly isn't in question.

Some people like to consider how what they say might be perceived, whether it's warranted and what their choice of words says about them.

This isn't strictly aimed at you Deez. However, I will say there is a very big difference between somebody asking for an opinion on something and somebody giving it unasked. Darcey Bussell, afaik, didn't ask anybody to comment on the shade of her skin, her state of mind or her choices.

It's also worth remembering that you aren't the only person commenting on this thread. If you're confident in the comments you made, then why defend them? I don't mean that in an accusatory way.

hiccup girl (sorry to single you out Grin) shows what constructive criticism looks like very clearly. I would argue that comments about a mid life crisis, are not constructive. You are of course free to make them and if you're happy in your mind that they're warranted, then there's nothing to discuss.

Raasay · 10/07/2015 13:35

Deez I'm fairly sure that the spectacularly successful world famous ballerina, Ms Bussell doesn't need 'constructive criticism' from anyone on Style & Beauty. Grin

It's not the best picture I've ever seen if the last concerned but it's probably just that, a bad picture.

I saw an internet thing (Buzzfeed?) recently about celebrities without their make up on mostly snapped coming out the gym). What struck me was that those women looked pretty but 'normal' just like a normal attractive woman you might see in the office or at the park.

I wonder if we are so used to seeing them look extraordinary when in a photoshoot or on the red carpet that we've forgotten how much if that look is artifice, good lighting etc?

If any of you had bumped into Darcy Bussell that day and got chatting I'm sure you wouldn't come away from the conversation commenting about her hair or her legs.

If you don't like her dress fair enough don't buy it. She's allowed to like it even if you don't.

Wagglebee · 10/07/2015 14:05

I don't like her outfit and those shoes keep popping up on my Instagram feed and I hate them as much now as I did the first time I saw them. But lots of people love them.

But her legs are absolutely fine. Why on earth should she change her skin colour? Saying she 'needs' fake tan is ridiculous.

shins · 10/07/2015 15:18

I agree, horrible thread. Not a fan of the clothes but the personal vitriol is way OTT.

Tizwailor · 10/07/2015 15:34

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

FrankietheSquealer · 10/07/2015 16:02

LOVE it when people say a thread is unpleasant.

It makes me move in closer

JohnCusacksWife · 10/07/2015 16:03

Well, I like the shoes!


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AmberNectarine · 10/07/2015 16:10

Lovely looking woman. Heinous outfit. That is all.

TinklyLittleLaugh · 10/07/2015 16:12

I think she's at Wimbledon, so not just popping down the shops. She looks very English doesn't she?

BigGreenOlives · 10/07/2015 16:22

I met her at a lunch in the winter & she looked lovely and was great company. Her dress that day was Top Shop but it looked like Dolce Gabbana.

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