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Is long hair ageing?

54 replies

Pigleychez · 15/06/2015 21:54

Was chatting in a large group recently where someone had had long hair chopped off. People were complimenting her and the general agreement was that long hair was ageing.
I have long hair and it got me thinking if it was a common thought or not?. Average age of the group was early/mid thirties.

Im due to get my hair cut soon, was planning a trim but now wondering to go abit shorter?

OP posts:
HellKitty · 16/06/2015 15:49

Something a barber could do for a fiver. A kind of, 'oh I'm this age now, give me something I don't have to fuss with'.

Disclaimer - not all mums have this cut Confused

LikeIcan · 16/06/2015 16:01

Short hair is far more aging I think.

Floisme · 16/06/2015 16:02

Equally I think there are quite a lot of young women who have long hair but don't particularly suit it. I think what sometimes happens is they have it cut when they hit 40-ish and suddenly they look loads better. Only instead of saying, 'Wow you should have done that years ago!' people say, 'You see, short hair's better once you're 40.' And so the myth goes on.

specialsubject · 16/06/2015 16:35

OP, you look fine. Keep the length, especially if you have frizzy hair as the length pulls out the frizz which IS ageing.

long hair is not (swish..) ageing. And I'm a lot older than you. Your young friends don't know what they are talking about.

down to the knees with grey split ends not a good look, but otherwise -keep it if you like it. The WI mum cut (sorry, WI and mums...) that so many seem to have is something I will NEVER do while I have my hair. And if I don't have my hair, I'll buy a wig.

imip · 16/06/2015 16:41

Really, it's probably about the style, rather than the length?

I'm 44 next week and my is pretty long with a blunt fringe. I love it, I do feel older, but more feminine with long hair. I also really love wearing it up with just a short fringe. Feels like I get the best of both worlds, long and short hair!

imip · 16/06/2015 16:42

Oh, I don't feel older because of the long hair, but because I am 44!

DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 16/06/2015 19:08

My mum's hair is long, in fantastic condition with white high lights. She looks amazing but it depends on the person imo.

JessiePinkman · 16/06/2015 21:43

I love these & would love the freedom of having short hair. Got the feeling they would look like mum cuts on me though

Is long hair ageing?
Is long hair ageing?
JessiePinkman · 16/06/2015 21:46

Taylor Swifts hair is a great length & not mumsy esp with that fringe I think is quite edgy but hard to pull off (the fringe??)

Is long hair ageing?
SouthWestmom · 16/06/2015 21:52

Mum hair - sorry random internet lady

Is long hair ageing?
Moln · 16/06/2015 21:53

It can be. Though OP I don't think yours is.

I got 8 inches cut off mine a few years ago (at 37) because I saw a photo of myself and thought "shite!! I look shite!!" I have had a cut similar to Natalie Imbruglia for a while now, (is that a mum cut? panics) though I'm thinking of growing it a bit longer. But no longer than my shoulders.

Petal02 · 16/06/2015 22:19

I'm 46, and last June I had mine cut into a style like the pic JessiePinkman has posted. I loved it, got shed-loads of compliments, and it definitely made me look younger than my previous style (lower than my shoulders, all one length) but once I got used to it, I started to feel slightly unfeminine and decided I needed a little more hair.

I'm now sporting collarbone length hair with a few layers, it's long enough to feel feminine, but short enough to feel youthful. If that makes sense?

fanjoforthemammaries7850 · 16/06/2015 22:24

All my friends have long hair. Aged 40-45. I think we are a youthful looking bunch

fanjoforthemammaries7850 · 16/06/2015 22:25

Especially auldspinster, who looks 25

Snowflake15 · 16/06/2015 22:27

OP I think yours suits you and the length of it lengthens and flatters your face shape

MitzyLeFrouf · 16/06/2015 22:29

The woman in the photo posted by Noeuf looks thrilled by the bamboo she's holding!

MitzyLeFrouf · 16/06/2015 22:32

OP your hair is lovely as it is. If I was pushed to make a suggestion however I might suggest you cut approx 3 inches off the end and switch to a side parting.

Feel free do disregard though, as I say lovely as you are!

fanjoforthemammaries7850 · 16/06/2015 22:32

Maybe she is a panda

SouthWestmom · 16/06/2015 22:34


SouthWestmom · 16/06/2015 22:34

That was a Grin

GuiltyAsAGirlCanBe · 16/06/2015 22:41

I am 33 and my hair is long. I get id'd regularly. If I have my hair shorter I look Mumsy and frumpy. I think scraggly thin long hair can look a bit "witchy" but mine is thick and bouncy and it suits me long - so I'm keeping it!

I am not the best looking or skinniest girl in the world, but I have been blessed with thick healthy hair that is easy to manage and grow, so I am not getting rid of one of my best assets! Plus I am fairly newly single and dating, and ime men prefer long hair. Wink

storynanny2 · 16/06/2015 22:45

Hope not as mine in shoulder length and I am 58. No intention of having it short as I agree with those who say it can be more aging. I keep it trimmed, in good condition and have grey roots done every 6 weeks. I like still being able to swish it as if I am still in my twenties.
I hope my friends and family will tell me though if I begin to look ridiculous.


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Dowser · 17/06/2015 00:00

I'm 63. Mine is a couple of inches below collarbone. Don't need it any longer? I can tie it back, put it up or leave it loose.

It's blonde highlighted with a good sprinkling of brown in it.

I only ever had it short once. Like a pixie crop. Wasn't me . Usually I've worn it in a longish bob.

daftyburd · 17/06/2015 00:48

I have long hair recently added a blunt fringe. I asked for a Jane Birkin/Francoise Hardy in the 1960's look. I feel the change has made me look younger than when it just hung there. Born out by my recently being asked for ID twice buying alcohol at the grand age of 46. Challenge 25? I will take 25 happily.
I have a square face but with a pointy chin. Short hair looks terrible on me. I haven't had short hair since mid 1980s and it made me look butch then. Even with red lipstick I was continuously mistaken for a boy. Noooo way.
I do like short hair and think it can look stunning. Just a lot of older women round here have it. My mum says they get "rumped" when they get their free bus passes.

ScrewFix · 17/06/2015 11:21

I don't think the length has much to do with what is an 'ageing' look. Its all about the cut/colour/grooming.

I felt much more 'mum-ish' with a supposedly chic bob in my early thirties than I do now with long hair in my late thirties.

I was also conned some years ago into thinking short hair = freedom. It wasn't liberating at all. I had to go the hairdressers every 4 weeks to get it re-done, and unless it is super-short, it takes styling. I went on a beach holiday with that short hairstyle and it was a pain in the arse...couldnt tie it up obvs, it looked like a flat pudding bowl when wet...nightmare.

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