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very casual (jeans) to a wedding reception. ok ever?

37 replies

jackydanny · 15/11/2014 11:54

been asked to go to support someone, cant get there til 10pm, have to travel on public transport for two hours through London, no time to change, don't want to be sitting cold / exposed...

is it ok to wear smart jeans & blouse? knee high casual boots?

OP posts:
ChippingInAutumnLover · 15/11/2014 20:33

Your only mistake her was to post in Style and Beauty. Post in chat :)

burnishedsilver · 15/11/2014 20:37

That approx 17 no and 3 yes.

If you say to the first group that you are on your way to a wedding thell be perfectly understanding of whatever you show up in. Weddings and funerals trump most other engagements.

cluecu · 15/11/2014 20:46

If anyone had turned up to my wedding in help me God..... I wouldn't have given a shit Smile

nulgirl · 15/11/2014 20:50

Depends what kind of wedding it is. I changed into jeans mid-evening at my wedding and wouldn't have given a toss if my guests had work jeans for the evening.

This situation is made trickier by the fact that you don't know the bride and groom. I think it would be safer if you tucked some black trousers into your bag. You don't want to get there and find it is an incredibly dressy event and that you are the odd one out.

PinkSparklyElephant · 15/11/2014 20:59

I don't think anyone wore jeans to my wedding but to be honest I wasn't really looking at what the guests were wearing!

Twinklestein · 15/11/2014 21:43

As you don't know the people then no, it's disrespectful.

Just wear a wool dress to the earlier appointment and explain you're going on to a wedding. Put necklace and earrings in your bag and wear a puffa to keep you warm.

It's not that cold atm anyway.

jackydanny · 15/11/2014 22:20

Ok vipers. Wore slinky dress with jumper on top.
Smart trousers don't go with my boots.
It's an all nighter. Part just getting started.

OP posts:
jackydanny · 15/11/2014 22:21

Thanks all

OP posts:
Blanketontheground · 15/11/2014 22:25

Nice top. Cute jacket. Fab clutch. No problem

BitOutOfPractice · 15/11/2014 22:26

What do you mean by cold and exposed? Why can't you wear something wedding appropriate (which doesn't have to be skimpy anyway) with a coat over the top?

Having been to a funeral this week where someone wore a track suit , I am maybe a little more aware than usual about wearing the wrong thing!

BitOutOfPractice · 15/11/2014 22:27

Oh! I'm a bit late. Sorry. Have a lovely time

burnishedsilver · 15/11/2014 22:32

Enjoy Smile

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