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cashmere/merino is it itchy?

22 replies

sacbina · 23/10/2014 11:26

I find wool unbearably itchy. is cashmere? merino?

looking at and wondering about the non silk/cotton items
thank you

OP posts:
lurkerspeaks · 10/01/2015 17:41

Merino is wool but it is the least itchy of the wools as it has short fibre lengths.

I'm very fussy about textures - itch is not my friend but I'm fine with merino.

Woolver stuff is fine - I inherited a twin set jumper from them and wear it quite a bit.

MyrnaLoy · 10/01/2015 16:26

Can't bear wool next to my skin, no problems with cashmere and alpaca.

itsveryyou · 10/01/2015 14:37

Merino doesn't tend to give an 'itchy' feel because the fibers are much finer than traditional wool, it's very light and wonderful to wear. Good quality Cashmere is heavier than merino, still soft, but is cosy and kind of plumper to the touch. Usually if someone has a reaction to wool, it's due to the lanolin rather than the fibre itself. Because wool is natural, it helps to regulate body temp and is brilliant for base layers when it's cold. Lots of people even buy wool filled duvets, to help with night sweats. The duvets are light, just like a feather filled or synthetic one.

GERTgert06 · 10/01/2015 14:29

I have an a severe skin reaction to any kind of wool, but have discovered I can wear cashmere with no problems.

musicmum75 · 10/01/2015 01:14

I am wearing Woolovers cashmere and wool jumper as I type and it's very soft. Not itchy at all. I love their stuff. Have loads of it!

Pumpkinette · 10/01/2015 01:11

I find them both itchy but I have really sensitive skin. I find seams and labels on a lot of clothes very uncomfortable and itchy.

trixymalixy · 10/01/2015 00:29

I also can tell instantly when I try a jumper on whether it has wool in it or not, however I wear merino base layers when skiing and they don't irritate my skin at all.

Greengardenpixie · 10/01/2015 00:25

Mohair i love but i cant generally wear it. It really pricks my skin.

Greengardenpixie · 10/01/2015 00:24

I recently bought a cashmere cardigan from next. I found it a tiny bit itchy when i put it on...but then it went.I bought the most gorgeous jumper dress from Toast in alpaca and OMG its the softest thing ever!!! I had to stop myself from buying another!!! So strange. Some wools are unbearable and others are fine!

LightastheBreeze · 09/01/2015 21:46

I find lambs wool very itchy and also alpaca, mohair and angora which are often added to woollens in small amounts. Cashmere and merino I find is generally ok.

eddielizzard · 09/01/2015 21:36

depends. cheap cashmere and merino can be itchy. the fibres need to be less than 22 microns or if 5% of the fibre is more than 30 microns it starts to prickle. cashmere is finer than 22 microns (generally less than 18 microns) unless you buy cheap, horrible stuff. super fine merino should be fine too.

these are luxury fibres that are costly to produce. if you pay low prices you'll get low quality, or some animal or person will have paid that price somewhere along the line.

PrimalLass · 09/01/2015 21:31

Me too vomis. I definitely prefer merino.

JaceLancs · 09/01/2015 21:29

I like either merino or cashmere next to my skin
I find artificial fluffy wool type things more likely to irritate me

I do use non bio and sensitive fabric softener though due to other allergies

BestIsWest · 09/01/2015 21:25

I find merino less itchy than cashmere.

Saurus72 · 09/01/2015 21:25

I don't find either itchy, but I do find lambs wool irritating - I have sensitive skin. If you're not sure, how about a mix? I'm wearing a gorgeous hoodie right now which is 50/50 merino wool/cotton, and it is so soft and lovely. It's from The White Company.

vomistheworst · 09/01/2015 21:19

I'm allergic to wool, but fine with merino. Cashmere makes me itch, though.

allybells · 09/01/2015 21:17

cheap merino is often itchy as they use a corser grade. Look for (and be prepared to fork out for) good 'superfine' merino and it will never itch.. lots more practical than cashmere too so you'll get your money's worth out of it. I live in it.

Girlsbrigadewashorrible · 23/10/2014 15:05

Cashmere is lovely and soft, lightweight and very warm. Merino is not as soft but also nice. Neither are itchy in my experience.

dexter73 · 23/10/2014 12:15

I don't find cashmere or merino itchy, but lambswool can be.

imnottoofussed · 23/10/2014 11:38

I'm interested to know too as I can not bear wool, I can even tell if something has 1% wool, its a nightmare. I tried on a fluffy jumper once in River Island and nearly dislocated both arms trying to get it off so quickly.

pseudonymity · 23/10/2014 11:35

I don't find merino itchy, however. some do. They make underwear out if it.

Cashmere isn't itchy either, it's more fluffy than the woven merino stuff.

Some people find all wool itchy.

leedy · 23/10/2014 11:35

Cashmere is definitely not itchy, extremely soft.


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