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Emjoi MICRO Nail Electric Nail Polisher - anyone tried it?

4 replies

StepAwayFromTheEcclesCakes · 06/10/2014 10:57

I am thinking of ordering one from Boots but wonder if anyone has tried it? its the gadget currently being advertised on TV sucker for an advert

OP posts:
Sleepyfergus · 20/10/2014 18:58

So I got it and it's............good in an okay way. I'm hardly dancing on the rooftops over it if I'm honest. It works quickly, gently buffs away ridges and then polishes. But some nails polished better than others, and I've had more of a high gloss, mirror shine doing it manually. Then again, for a few seconds effort, I did end up with smooth nails than had a pretty good gleam.

I dunno, it seems just ok for £30. I feels bit cringey paying that for it. No way is it worth £30 let alone the normal price of £40.

And it's a fairly rudimentary looking bit of kit for the money. It's a heavy, slightly awkward boxy shape. It would have though it would have been better as a cylinder shape, more streamlined looking. I also wonder how long the rollers will last, how much the refills will be, and how easy to obtain.

currieaddict · 20/10/2014 08:20

Think qvc have it which means you can return it if you don't like it.

Audrey101 · 20/10/2014 00:30

I just got my Emjoi's micro electrical nail polisher toady, too excited to try it on my nails. Will post my opinion about this very soon. I bough this from

Emjoi MICRO Nail Electric Nail Polisher - anyone tried it?
Sleepyfergus · 15/10/2014 07:28

I've just ordered one, will pick it up tomorrow. The reviews sounded good, and I like my nails after I've treated them to a proper buff, but this sounds quick and easy, so is thought is treat myself. Price is quite step though, so it had better be good.

It's £29 on boots online at the mo instead of £39. Or if you were going to get 2 (xmas pressie?) then if you go direct to the emjoi website, they are also £29 at the mo, plus another £10 off if you spend £40 (I think).

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