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Does anyone on here enjoy style but actually like their ageing face/body such that they just are happy with the skin they are in?

38 replies

SnazzyHotFlush · 24/07/2014 19:41

I thought it would be interesting to start a thread for those of use who like wrinkles and grey hair, refuse to cover our bingo wings and think anti-ageing cream is just a lot of old rot really.

I love style and fashion but I feel beauty is about authenticity- growing into your skin as it were and liking yourself at the age you are.

Anyone else feel baffled by the seeming need a lot of women have to look younger?

OP posts:
catnipkitty · 26/07/2014 11:25

I'm happy to age! Actually in my mid-40's am taking better care of my body, have improved my diet and lost a few pounds for health reasons rather than skinniness reasons and feel a lot fitter. I have no problem with grey hair, haven't dyed for about 3 years. Have very short hair. Wear the clothes I feel comfortable in.

I don't 'get' fashions and having to keep up with them. Also don't get spending endless money on shampoos, makes up, anti-aging stuff. I use one shower gel for hair and body, occasional mascara, and a face cream with SPF in it, again for health reasons.

sinisterfish · 26/07/2014 11:27

i prefer myself older, i'm less worried about what i wear etc but i do use ant-ageing skincare, it seems odd not to really even if it just protects against sun damage

don't want grey hair either but would never use fillers/botox any medical interventions

beccajoh · 26/07/2014 11:45

I'm only in my 30s although feel about 100 today, but like you all I'm not especially bothered about looking older. I mean once you start, especially if you have Botox and fillers, where does it all stop? I can't permanently look 30 years old Shock

Part of me thinks that it's fine for men to look the way nature intended but not for women. How retarded.

MrsEboJones76 · 26/07/2014 14:18

I'm late 30s and am more comfortable in my skin than I've ever been.
I have loads of grey hairs. Home dye is not for me. I no longer try and cover all my greys, just blend them with some highlights. I am increasingly comfortable with my grey hair.
I run a lot and am petite so in reasonable shape. But I have had 2 children and my blemishes reflect that which I'm proud of.
I'm not a beauty junkie. I use a simple skin care regime and a good night moisturiser. I tend to use Clinique make up - probably cos my mum always did and bought it for me! I'm happy looking in my 30s cos I am!
I love fashion. I'm like a magpie for pretty things. But I think I've learnt what I like and what suits me. I wear what's right for me rather than my age.
It's such a shame media portrays beauty as young, thin, blonde etc... It's even more of a shame that some people feel the need to be those things.

MamaLazarou · 26/07/2014 15:22

This thread has come just in time for me! 40 next year and after years of dyeing have decided to start letting my grey grow through. I don't look remarkably young for my age but still wear things some people would say I shouldn't (hair chalks, hotpants, miniskirts, ra-ra skirts). Who cares? Not me!

Sleepwhenidie · 26/07/2014 22:04

I love this thread, such a breath of fresh air! I loved this article on the subject, not that it sounds like many of you here need help embracing the concept Grin self esteem repair kit.

MedusaIsHavingaBadHairday · 26/07/2014 22:13

I'm 46, and gave up all hair dye 5 months ago... have roots and grey coming through and have realised I prefer my natural colour (and it feels so soft!) I'm keeping it in a short bob until it's all natural.

Can't be bothered with makeup.. a bit of mascara is as good as it gets, and oddly enough I like my emerging lines and wrinkles.. (not so keep on the sagging scragy neck tho) ..I'm NOT 20.. and I am not going to compete with my daughters:)

I feel free to wear what I want, and seem to be sliding towards a slightly hippyish look Grin which is ideal as I'm also becoming a mad cat lady !!

Sleepwhenidie · 26/07/2014 22:21

I work with people who often have poor body image and disordered eating and I sometimes use archetypes to describe life stages. Using this, by the time women are in their 40's they should be past being a 'princess' and well into their 'Queen' phase. The women who are still desperate for outside approval, looking for evidence of their own sexual attractiveness, trying to fit a 'mould' of perfection (young, slim, pretty) - punishing themselves with exercise, diet, cosmetic procedures and becoming steadily more unhappy and unhealthy in the process, often need help to progress to Queen phase. Then we can be comfortable in our skin, even with a few extra pounds, grey hairs and wrinkles, but confident in our individual style and beauty. Apart from being much more fun than continuing to be a princess after the appropriate time, it sets a great example for younger women and men. Posters here are fantastic examples of how to be queens!

SnazzyHotFlush · 26/07/2014 22:29

Yay! For Queens. Soooo good to hear some of the comments on here. Perhaps that's it- we've moved beyond the need for so much outside approval and as such are a lot happier.

It's the 'fuck it that will do' years Grin

OP posts:
MedusaIsHavingaBadHairday · 26/07/2014 22:43

I wish there was a 'Like' button for your post Snazzy!!!!!

It sums up my approach completely Grin

Floisme · 27/07/2014 11:53

You see, I don't think 'fuck it that will do'. I still like to look good and I still love style and fashion. It just pisses me off that once you're past your mid- forties, people stop saying 'Wow, you look great' and instead tell you 'Wow, you don't look your age!' Looking my age and looking great is my goal.

FishRabbit · 27/07/2014 11:58

I'm only 34 and have a few cat bum mouth wrinkles, which aren't my favourite. But I often think to myself that since I had DS I love my boobs! Yeah they're not as perky as they were but I love them now. They are all soft and nice and don't squeal "hey! Look at me"...

My mum looks ace so I'm happy to end up looking how she does. She's just stopped bleaching her hair after years and it is beautiful. Perfect grey and super shiny. Mine will probably look rank but i'd love hair like hers.

specialsubject · 27/07/2014 12:24

not exactly big on style but I FAR prefer how I look now at 49 to how I used to look. Main change is the miracle of permanent hair straightening, with the bonus that it turns the grey bits blonde - but I even like the grey bits.

yes, there are wrinkles. The alternative is to be dead. I know what I prefer.

I need to do some more exercise to tone things up, and things hurt more, but I am happier in my own skin as I grow older. Who would want to be a teen or twenty something again?

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