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will I regret plucking my tash?

28 replies

BobPatandIgglePiggle · 21/07/2014 20:34

Caught sight of myself in the very bright mirror in the loo at work and realised I have a tash!

I'm quite dark so not sure how I've missed it before now or maybe I became a yeti overnight but I was horrified.

Hid in the bathroom just now and have plucked the million hairs on my top lip but now I'm thinking I might regret it.

Will it grow back worse? Should I have waxed??

OP posts:
BobPatandIgglePiggle · 22/07/2014 14:07

I've ordered one! Blush

OP posts:
fukkigucci · 22/07/2014 13:29

Another one recommending the epistick! I think mine was 99c from eBay. Tis wondrous.

PeppermintInfusion · 22/07/2014 13:25

Sometimes it feels like it is Bob!Blush

BobPatandIgglePiggle · 22/07/2014 13:24

Sounds like a full time job pepper

Scuttles off to Google epipen

OP posts:
PeppermintInfusion · 22/07/2014 12:29

It won't make it worse Smile

I get mine threaded every so often as it gets rid of all the lighter hairs too that you wouldn't bother plucking so you get a lovely smooth finish. I then keep on top of it with tweezers then very so often it gets the better of me so I get the threading redone

Orangeanddemons · 22/07/2014 10:53

I found an epipen the singularly most painful thing I have ever experienced. I also find when you wax, or use hair removal cream, when they just start to regrow they look terrible.

I use bleach

CMP69 · 22/07/2014 10:48

I do mine with my epilator (and my chin Blush ) Stings a bit but does the trick

Greengardenpixie · 22/07/2014 10:45

Im dark hair and never had them go ginger!!!!!

CorporateRockWhore · 22/07/2014 08:25

Yes, the first time you do it with the magnifying mirror, it will be ludicrous. But after that it's just maintenance.

SandorClegane · 22/07/2014 07:19

Or keep it and just decide not to care!

SandorClegane · 22/07/2014 07:19

Get it threaded.

WipsGlitter · 22/07/2014 07:17

Wax. Don't bleach - can make them go ginger.

netty36 · 22/07/2014 06:35

Get an epistick off amazon... Bloody brilliant. There are lots if previous threads on it. It threads the hairs with a metal spring and regrowth slows right down if you keep using it. I love mine. Waxing gave me spots..

netty36 · 22/07/2014 06:13

Get an epistick off amazon... Bloody brilliant. There are lots if previous threads on it. It threads the hairs with a metal spring and regrowth slows right down if you keep using it. I love mine. Waxing gave me spots..

70isaLimitNotaTarget · 21/07/2014 22:57

I wax - quick , simple and strangely theraputic.

Made note to self though , when waxing armpits five minutes before going to pick DD from school, don't think "Hmm, the old 'tasche needs done and the wax is cool enough........."

A red top lip is not a good look Blush

BobPatandIgglePiggle · 21/07/2014 22:52

Oh god, bleach bloody terrifies me!

OP posts:
Greengardenpixie · 21/07/2014 21:52

I use jolen bleach. Are there any other kinds? I can never find anything else. Its good though. I just hate mixing it!!

BobPatandIgglePiggle · 21/07/2014 20:45

I sat on the loo in shame and used the magnifying mirror but every time I moved my face to a different angle more seemed to have appeared!

OP posts:
CorporateRockWhore · 21/07/2014 20:40

I pluck mine all the time and it's fine. No rash from waxing or waiting for it to grow before waxing again! Get a magnifying mirror and Tweezerman tweezers and you're good to go.

rootypig · 21/07/2014 20:40

I pluck, no ill effects. Waxing damages what is pretty delicate skin.

BobPatandIgglePiggle · 21/07/2014 20:39

I am insanely relieved that it's not just me - why haven'tI nnoticed before? ?

OP posts:
phoebeflangey · 21/07/2014 20:38

I use hair bleach only, after waxing led me to have ingrown hairs when they returned, one even left a scar so it looks like my lipstick bleeds!!


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BobPatandIgglePiggle · 21/07/2014 20:37

I always imagine waxing leaving a big pink mark though so everyone will know my bristly shame! Quite enjoyed plucking tbh but couldn't believe how many there were!

OP posts:
amyhamster · 21/07/2014 20:37

Can people recommend a home wax ? I use hair removal cream currently

PotOfYoghurt · 21/07/2014 20:36

There is no difference as to regrowth between waxing and plucking, it both rips the hair out from the root.

Shaving and depilatory creams would need to be used more often.

You should wax, or pluck, or have them threaded!

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