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30 day shred - do I need any equipment?

6 replies

photocop · 08/06/2014 11:37

I think I am brave enough to give this a go ... and it's just over a month till I wear a bikini on holiday.

What do I need? And how much space in my living room?


OP posts:
Milmingebag · 08/06/2014 20:34

They're fuckers those squats.
the jumping jacks are even more evil

pinkflaming0 · 08/06/2014 20:32

Grin to Tena Lady - it's those sumo squat type things in level 3 that scare me!

photocop · 08/06/2014 16:39

Thanks everyone. I'm nervous now!

OP posts:
Milmingebag · 08/06/2014 15:48

Tena Lady.

MrsFlorrick · 08/06/2014 13:00

No. You can use water bottles or tinned food as weights initially. I did.

I do shred barefoot. I now have weights but have regularly been shredding for a year. Not continuously but I would do shred twice (2 months) and then break and just go swimming for a few weeks and then start another Jillian Michaels programme.

It works. It's awesome. It's hard the first 3 days and then it gets easier and you start to see really motivating results.

LadyIsabellaWrotham · 08/06/2014 11:47

Weights, (Argos do a useful set of 0.5, 1, and 1.5 kg weights for about 15 quid I think) but you can start with baked bean tins or 2 x 500ml water bottles.
A mat if you're on a hard surface otherwise carpet is fine.
About the space of a single bed is ideal, but you can get away with less as long as you can lie down flat and strath your arms out to each side.

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