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Short hair?

31 replies

KatamariDamacy · 23/03/2014 19:44

I have a toddler and a 2mo and am thinking about getting my long hair cut very short. I feel in need of a change (and my postnatal hair is dry, straggly and horrible).

My hair is fine, but there's a lot of it iyswim. It tends to be straightish, but I wear it wavy at the mo, encouraged with salt spray.

I need a style that I can literally wash and go, no time to blow dry here.

Shall I go for it, or am I being hormonal and will regret it? If I go for it, any clever ideas as to styles?

OP posts:
minibmw2010 · 24/03/2014 09:57

Mine is pixie short. I had it done when DS was about 1.5, I'd had a graduated bob. I know my DH preferred it longer and more feminine but he knows I'm happier with it. I sometimes see women with beautiful long hair and remember that I had that once but it's not v often.

RemusLupinsBiggestGroupie · 24/03/2014 18:06

I do find I need more make up when it's v short. :)

MrsDavidBowie · 24/03/2014 18:11

Mine is like Remus's first's a chop py Bob I wear behind my ears but am tempted to go shorter on Weds. Not short at the sides..but just to ear length

StickEmUpSideWays · 24/03/2014 18:30

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KatamariDamacy · 24/03/2014 18:43

Appointment booked for Saturday. Quite excited now!

OP posts:
IamInvisible · 24/03/2014 18:56

I am so tempted to go short. I love Remus's first link, and this Anne Hathaway cut.

I grew my hair quite long recently, but went to a different hairdresser to have the ends cut off and she cut about 4 inches off so now it's at that inbetweeny stage again!

I have been short before and loved it, but always grew it out. I know it used to suit me, I just panic I'll look daft and regret it!

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