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Diagnose my colours? Pic included

46 replies

TripTrapTripTrapOverTheBridge · 15/10/2013 20:23

Tried before without a pic but a threat with pics has many replies so here goes!

This is not my natural colour btw natural is a dark mousey or golden brown,I think but can't remember!

One photo is in sunlight the other is in normal lighting/bit of shade in case the sun makes shows slight colour difference in skin?

Diagnose my colours? Pic included
Diagnose my colours? Pic included
OP posts:
TripTrapTripTrapOverTheBridge · 16/10/2013 10:09

I can't afford to have my colours done though,nor do I really have the time to fit it in :(

I've decided I'm just weird Grin

OP posts:
easypeeler · 16/10/2013 10:53

You're not weird. I'm having my colours done this weekend but I'm pretty sure I'm an autumn. I'm getting them done for tip on co-ordinating colours and getting the neutrals right. But that's just me - for those that can't afford the time or money - and I do think it is a luxury - I would say that it doesn't matter what season you are labelled - surely to goodness you know that you look crap in some colours, dead in other and that your eyes pop when you wear a certain shade of whatever!

Buy only those things that make your eyes pop and your skin look alive. You know in your heart that greige, chartreuse or pastel blue items make you look dreadful but you love the top/scarf/whatever because it's the perfect fit or it's in 'fashion' The colour ladies will tell you (I'm sure) to not buy it on the colour choice alone.

Did that make sense? It did in my head but not sure now I've typed it out Confused

Gillybobs · 16/10/2013 10:58

This is an interesting article which talks about seasonal deal breakers (it will make more sense when you read it!)

Hope it helps

TravelinColour · 16/10/2013 11:11

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TripTrapTripTrapOverTheBridge · 16/10/2013 11:15

Ok,I need to look at my face more.I tend to just look at my body when trying clothes on Blush and also have a tendency to go for contrast with colours!

OP posts:
ElizabethBathory · 16/10/2013 12:05

Am I wrong in thinking that if you can pull off the very warm, titian red hair in your first photo (which you can because it looks amazing), you must be either spring or autumn?

I had a great time on my colours day but I kind of wish I'd discovered S&B and actually knew what having your colours done involved before doing it, because I think you'd all have diagnosed me in a second :)

Gillybobs · 16/10/2013 12:55

Travel I realise that, hope it doesn't confuse further, just thought it may help the op. Interestingly, although I was confident in my HoC spring diagnoses I feel more affinity with the bright spring palette and think it addresses my neutral leanings much more effectively. Sorry to digress! :-)

MissScatterbrain · 16/10/2013 12:58

That link was very confusing for me and I am a winter - it bears no relation to what my best colours are Confused

Aquelven · 16/10/2013 13:40

In the first picture, the one with red hair, your hair colour is virtually the exact shade of my DS's, except that there seem to be odd yellowish & edging purple strands that he doesn't have. He's a natural redhead, was born with hair the exact colour of a brand new copper penny & is still the same now he's fully grown. BUT your skintone, eyes & brows bare no resemblance to his at all so yours look quite cool to me in comparison. His skin has none of the bluish tones of yours, it's the same pale yet warm as mine though I'm a natural blonde & been draped as a Spring, his brows are red & his eyes a vivid, penetrating blue.
So from all that, though I'm no expert just someone who's gone through the diagnosis & watched two others who were completely different from me, I would guess(just guess mind) that you are not Spring & probably are a cool season.

TripTrapTripTrapOverTheBridge · 16/10/2013 14:09

My brows would be different Grin

Maybe I really am just odd?

My veins in my wrists seem a bright turquoisey blue,doesn't blue suggest cool?BUT my eyes are largely olive green,with a tiny tiny bit of brown in the middle SOMETIMES,and a more blueish rim.They do change colour though!

My skin,well,sometimes it clearly has a golden hint but still pale,other times it just appears bright white.

Maybe this is why I never look at my face lmao

OP posts:
SteppedOnaFrog · 16/10/2013 14:28

I think the hair is confusing the issue, it is very lovely but obviously dyed- which is a cool style statement. If you took your hair back to it's natural colour - what colours would work then do you think? I know when I have tried my hair darker I can wear different colours as long as I step up the make-up intensity. It is not, however, my best look. I suit a more medium ash brown hair as it puts everything in balance.

Like you I have struggled because I'm not obviously cool or warm but neutral. I am a muted neutral who leans cool though and suit the darker end of the soft summer colours. The thing is in the various palettes not all he colours work- it is about finding your best fit to my mind.

I think the thing is, when you figure it out , largely by trial and error, you will feel comfortable in the colours that work. You won't need so much lipstick/blusher/eyeliner/foundation to compensate etc (well that has been my experience) and in the right tones a little goes far enough to enhance.

I think you are a neutral leaning warm. You have a lovely tone to your eyes and yet there is coolness- so not totally warm.

Just my view x

Hopefully · 16/10/2013 14:49

I think it can be less obvious to us closer-to-neutral people when we're looking in a mirror than it can be for some people who fall more clearly into a season. I am a v tricky person to analyse, and everything about me, until the drapes are put on, suggests I am going to be a Winter. It was so revelatory for me because I hadn't even been in vaguely the right place before, so it was a massive change! I couldn't believe how much better I could look Grin

TripTrapTripTrapOverTheBridge · 16/10/2013 15:35

Thanks ladies.

I've come to the conclusion I'm in the 'ah,stuff it!' group as my skin and eyes change so much depending on hair colour,clothing colour and light,there probably isn't a huge amount of point! :)

OP posts:
MotherOfDragon · 16/10/2013 17:14

Trip trap where are you based? I do colours in Essex and would love to help out a mumsnetter! Smile

TripTrapTripTrapOverTheBridge · 16/10/2013 17:44

In Devon unfortunately!Thanks though x

OP posts:
nightcircus · 16/10/2013 18:38

I thought summer or autumn

Maybe summer if blue veins

TravelinColour · 16/10/2013 18:43

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Hopefully · 16/10/2013 19:02

Yes, you're v welcome to come along and learn more about it - I'm crap at the hard sell so you can guarantee no pressure to book Grin. PM me if you want any info.

SundaySimmons · 16/10/2013 19:15

I have no idea what your colours are, but you remind me of Demelza from Poldark!

She was gorgeous as are you.

easypeeler · 19/10/2013 18:06

Just had my colours done - convinced I'm an autumn because I have very dark eyes and dark brown hair but my skin tone is actually cool and I'm a winter. I look fab as a winter and brassy as an autumn. Can't recommend HoC highly enough :)

leobear · 19/10/2013 19:40

If you can't wear black in any form at all, do you think that means cool or warm?

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