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Which of these watches do you prefer?

14 replies

Pinkflipflop · 01/07/2013 09:48

I'm getting a watch as a birthday present and have narrowed it down to these choices but am fickle, so could be easily swayed

this white/gold one
Or this tan leather one?

Votes welcome as I can't decide!

OP posts:
OneLittleLady · 01/07/2013 09:52

I prefer the white/gold one. The tan one looks more orange to me than actual tan so it puts me off it

adverbial · 01/07/2013 10:11

The tan. The metal strap looks very chunky and wide in the other photo.

Annianni · 01/07/2013 10:12

The white/gold one.
Watch number 2 looks orange to me too.

MelanieCheeks · 01/07/2013 10:14

What colours o you usually wear, what's your style?

dexter73 · 01/07/2013 10:26

I prefer the one with the white/gold strap as the dial on the watch with the tan strap is a bit too blingy.

Lizzylou · 01/07/2013 10:30

White/Gold one.
Have you tried one on in rl? I have the same style watch (in white gold and rose gold, not on that site) and it is a big watch.

SneezySnatcher · 01/07/2013 11:09

White and gold. I have a white (ceramic) watch and it's really striking.

adverbial · 01/07/2013 11:12

It is a big watch, the gold one. It might look too much on a tiny wrist. Agreeing about lots of bling on the tan watch face, however.

Pantone363 · 01/07/2013 11:16

The first one because I have it! I get lots of compliments on it. I think it looks lovely on slender wrists but you do need to get use to the weight

Pinkflipflop · 01/07/2013 11:40

Interesting! The white/good one was the one I had originally picked but then decided a more bling one would be better!

OP posts:
bishboschone · 01/07/2013 20:28

I have the first one but in stainless steel . I am little and have tiny wrists . I think that makes it look better! I have a friend who is in her 60's who said why is my watch so huge the other day ! I love it !!

Pinkflipflop · 01/07/2013 20:29

Great! Think I will probably go for the white/good one.

OP posts:
leastsaidsoonestmended · 02/07/2013 15:32

How about this one. White ceramic with bling. Or if you prefer it in silver tone

SofaCanary · 02/07/2013 15:45

Definitely the white/gold.

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