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Sudden weight gain and hair falling out.. is it my age??

5 replies

MedusaIsHavingaBadHairday · 16/06/2013 21:09

I'm 45, always been a size 10 without any real effort. I am now on medication for a chronic illness which is sometimes accused of making people put on weight, but suddenly in the last 6 weeks I have gained 10 pounds:( At the same time my hair is falling out..really falling out (like post pregnancy style)

I am in a moderately active job and I do jog usually a couple of times a week ..but can't do fast and furious because of balance problems!

I was wondering if I should go to the docs and ask for a hormone test/thyroid check but don't want to be laughed at and told it's my age!! Is it?!!?

OP posts:
cantreachmytoes · 16/06/2013 22:40

Another for thyroid check. Need T3, T4 and TSH checked (blood tests). Worth being pushy because it can be a pain to sort out the longer it goes on and not all drs seem to do the tests. If they only go for one, needs to be TSH.

Fairylea · 16/06/2013 22:32

Another thyroid check.

I am hypothyroid (under active) and you've described my symptoms to a T.

MrsTittleMouse · 16/06/2013 22:29

Another vote for a thyroid check.

ChipsNEggs · 16/06/2013 21:45

No definitely a thyroid check. Any sudden unexplained weight gain or loss should always be investigated.

Hugsandkisses · 16/06/2013 21:20

I would ask for a Thyroid check. An underactive Thyroid can cause weight gain and hair loss.

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