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Fringe: yes or no?

29 replies

overthinking · 14/06/2013 19:19

Having the fringe dilemma.
My hair is just below my shoulders and thick/wavy. I've noticed I look quite 'severe' now I'm getting older, and wondered if a fringe would soften my features and make me look younger - or would it just be frumpy.
Any suggestions - and if yes - what type of fringe!

OP posts:
AmazingBouncingFerret · 16/06/2013 19:55

I went from almost waist length no fringe hair to shoulder length, fringe so thick it starts at my crown! I fecking love it. Am Possibly going to get it cut shorter, still in two minds though.

AmazingBouncingFerret · 16/06/2013 19:56

It also looks most excellent with a beehive and headscarf, which is brilliant for those between washes days.

Hoolit · 16/06/2013 19:59

Go for it, you can always grow it out. That was my philosophy when I had a full one cut in a week ago.
My hair is fine and thin , past my shoulds always looked like nowt no something! Now it always looked styled, looks good up and down and I've had so many compliments about hair looks thicker and how much younger I look.
Go for it Smile

libertychick · 16/06/2013 21:12

Another 'go for it here' - I had one a few years ago and grew it out and then saw pics and realised I looked years younger with one so had it cut back in. Have had loads of positive comments. Takes about 1 min to blast straight with the dryer and run straighteners through in the morning - pin back on damp 'frizzy' days.

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