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lulu guiness for red nose day bags exclusive to sainsburys

39 replies

Glossynotflossy · 10/02/2013 14:23

I want the one with the face on

OP posts:
applecrumbleandcream · 14/02/2013 19:08

haha well it's hardly going to have the high calibre of the 'designer' ones but for charity I will buy one. I'll probably throw mine into the boot of my car for storing my emergency umbrella, CD's, ice scraper etc..

Walnutcakelover · 14/02/2013 19:10

Yes i suppose i should have bought one, maybe i will tomorow Smile

applecrumbleandcream · 14/02/2013 19:14

Go on, at least then you have contributed and I'd rather have one of those than a red nose (got one of those already)!! Do you know if they are also doing red nose t shirts this year? They usually do, but not looked this year. Always leave it too late and they've sold out!!

Walnutcakelover · 14/02/2013 19:16

My daughters school is doing a red day tomorow, as in they have to wear something red, but it's not for red nose day, I know my neice is having red nose day tomorow tho.

Walnutcakelover · 14/02/2013 19:18

I wonder why my dd school is not doing red nose day? they always do. Confused

Glossynotflossy · 14/02/2013 19:19

Yea t shits can ne nought from tk maxx

OP posts:
joliejolie · 14/02/2013 19:56

Red Nose Day is not until March 15th, so four weeks from tomorrow. I should expect all schools will do something, even my dd's uppity grammar school does mufti.

applecrumbleandcream · 14/02/2013 20:32

Glossy Grin at t shits !! Will have to get down to TK Maxx tomorrow before they all sell out (t shirts that is, not t shits!). Is red nose day only every two years? I can't remember what dd did if anything, she would only have been in reception the year before last.

Glossynotflossy · 14/02/2013 20:51

bloody phone. T shirts yes

OP posts:
Nospringflower · 20/02/2013 22:33

Does anyone know if they still have bags in Sainsburys?

notactuallyme · 21/02/2013 10:36

Red nose t shirts were almost gone (childrens ones) in the two TK Maxx I tried - managed to get them, vaguely the right size. The Cath Kidston bag is lovely tho - dd likes hers.

ThePortlyPinUp · 22/02/2013 17:58

My dd's bought me the face bag today for my birthday, dp said he has to ask for them and there were only a few left on one till in a huge superstore.

Talisin · 22/02/2013 23:06

There were still a few of all three designs in the Putney Sainsburys as of this morming, if that helps anyone.

janji · 22/02/2013 23:28

Chesterfield has all 3 designs still.

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