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Help me find a gorgeous gift for around £150 - something to keep but not jewellery

27 replies

herecomestherainbloodyyetagain · 04/01/2013 11:20

I'm thinking something for the home, like a Nick Munro tea set, Kosta Boda bowl (but neither as got already) or a gorgeous candelabra...not jewellery and it need to be something that can be kept/ will last. Any ideas?

OP posts:
mummywithnosleep · 06/01/2013 10:16

Ok, I don´t think this will be your taste another vase order on line

Coral vase very different statment piece

Sorry I have just found this company Occa There is some fab stuff, might be worth a good look.

herecomestherainbloodyyetagain · 06/01/2013 11:23

Thanks for all these ideas Mummy.
Will look at Occa particularly.

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