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patterned or coloured tights - yay or nay?

5 replies

superdeeduper · 11/11/2012 17:29

I am going to my graduation soon where we are required to dress quite formally under the gowns. I have gone for black shift dress with black wedges but wondered if I should go for opaques or something to jazz things up a bit. Are patterned tights a bit naff?should I just play it safe with black opaques? What do you guys think?

OP posts:
Celticlassie · 11/11/2012 17:48

I would wear patterned (black) tights and fab heels. I was a bit jealous of those who went a bit away from the standard uniform of black skirt, white shirt.

superdeeduper · 11/11/2012 17:47

Thanks. Think I will go for something with a pattern then to give it a lift. Now, where is the best place to buy them?!!

OP posts:
MooncupGoddess · 11/11/2012 17:45

For graduation I would stick to black tights, but get ones with a pattern rather than plain opaques - having diamond pattern/lace effect etc will give your outfit a lift without standing out too much.

BeauNeidel · 11/11/2012 17:40

I like patterned and coloured tights. Particularly blue!

If you are required to be formal, I would say stick to black though. Although at my graduation one girl showed up in white linen slacks and flip flops!

mirpuppet · 11/11/2012 17:37

All depends on the pattern and colours.

Congratulations -- dress so you feel fabulous!

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