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I'm in the mood for some sparkly knitwear

33 replies

MrsCampbellBlack · 22/10/2012 10:15

I have a house that has been devastated by D&V this weekend and need a little pick me up.

But please not acrylic.

Preferably also not black (looks at wan face)

OP posts:
MrsCampbellBlack · 22/10/2012 15:27

I can't answer it as don't have it! Have never bought from mango so am clueless as to sizing.

Also housebound due to the aforementioned D&V

OP posts:
MaureenCognito · 22/10/2012 15:30

ah yes

minor detail

shuffles off

monkeysmama · 22/10/2012 19:05

Maureen - it is on the smaller side. I'm a 14 with ample bosom and have the XL.

MaureenCognito · 23/10/2012 06:56

Thanks mm.
Was neckline ok ?

monkeysmama · 23/10/2012 09:32

Is fine on me. I really like it and am tempted by the silver too.

QueenCadbury · 23/10/2012 09:34

I've got the small and I'm a size 8/10 32e norks.

nipitinthebud · 23/10/2012 09:50

I have the Zara one and its much nicer IRL than in the pic. It hangs nicely and is great with skinny jeans.

Was in wallis the other day and there were several spangly jumpers on sale for around £20 - all looked good!

dottyaboutstripes · 23/10/2012 10:30

I was kind of dithering and showed my 5 yr old son, who said "Ooooooh! Lovely! If I was a girl I'd want that" Grin
So I ordered a small, hopefully it will be ok - I'm the same as QueenCadbury and a size 8/10 32dd on top so I hope it will be ok.

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