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Products for letting hair dry naturally

3 replies

mollysmum82 · 12/08/2012 09:58

My hair looks much better with a bit of volume, particularly when it's been curled at the salon with tongs. But I'd really struggle to get time to do this myself so I end up straightening it which doesn't really suit me. When it dries naturally it does have a curl to it and sometimes it looks fab, often it justs looks messy, there's no consistency to it. So I wondered if anyone could recommend any products to help it dry naturally curly? Thanks lots

OP posts:
ujjayi · 12/08/2012 15:17

Kerastase Elixir Ultime hair oil is fab. I also let my hair dry naturally having realised that blow drying is shockingly bad for my dry, coloured hair. I run a small amount of the oil through the mid lengths and some volumising spray at the roots; twist my hair in one section and leave to dry. Results in soft bouncy natural waves.

An alternative to this method is to put my hair in a high pony tail and twist into a tight bun whilst still damp. When I let my hair down I am left with lovely curls with volume. I discovered this by accident when I scraped up my hair on a hot day and was ecstatic to end up with this result when I let it loose. I could never achieve that look with all the top products/curling wands or blow dryers in the world!

LaurieFairyCake · 12/08/2012 10:22

My hair is a lot less curly now than when I was younger. I used to put some mousse through it, leave it to dry crunchy and then when dry tip my head upside down and de-crunch it - it looked lovely.

Now that it's not curly enough to do that I use the L'oreal Extraordinary Oil, let it dry and then just clip it up, it is curly enough for that.

WillSingForCake · 12/08/2012 10:13

I use Aussie curl serum when I let mine dry naturally - like it a lot & its pretty cheap too.

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