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2 replies

Dawndonna · 28/12/2011 19:57

I'm booking in for a haircut for Friday. I'm 53, how do I get them to cut my hair so that I haven't got an old dears cut!
Seriously, I hate my hair, the last time I went, she looked at me, told me it was too long for my age and gave me the worlds worst cut.
I'm going somewhere in the city this time, but I'm terrified!
Oh, and I have no idea what I want!

OP posts:
Dawndonna · 30/12/2011 17:16

I've had it done, and will return. She was really good. I've got very short hair now, slightly longer on top. really pleased. It was a really Mumsy bob, in fact it was the same haircut my 75 year old mother has, not any more, hurrah!

OP posts:
snowmummy · 28/12/2011 20:04

How long is your hair now? Can you take some pics of hairstyles you like to give the stylist an idea of what you want? Also, I think if you wear clothes that reflect you and your personality then a good hairdresser should be able to come up with some good suggestions of what might suit you.

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