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Teeth Whitening!

42 replies

WhoseGotMyEyebrows · 30/09/2011 10:27

Hi, I've been wanting to get my teeth whitened for ages and am thinking of treating myself for Christmas and birthday combined.

Does anyone know what are the best methods? Safest etc? Worried about damaging my teeth. Have done Repid White before but not really any effect.

OP posts:
OriginalPoster · 01/10/2011 09:52

Enamel is not meant to be like dulux brilliant white, healthy teeth are a creamy colour. It's a marketing ploy to make us all feel abnormal...and it works.

kbaby · 01/10/2011 22:29

I think whoever said laser dehydrates your teeth was right, I think that's why they first looked white.

I bought the crest strips, they had the best reviews from the internet

KenDoddsDadsDog · 02/10/2011 06:59

I had patches on my teeth from antibiotics as a child. They evened up the colour so I was thrilled.

WhoseGotMyEyebrows · 02/10/2011 14:27

So what Crest Stripes do I get? My teeth aren't stained they are just a bit creamy. I have seen them mentioned on her before and some people felt that they didn't get much result from anything other then the professional one's. So do I need normal (don't actually know all the names) or professional to whiten up creamy teeth?

OP posts:
ggirl · 02/10/2011 18:05

I want to get the professional ones .
What site you looking at for them?

WhoseGotMyEyebrows · 03/10/2011 13:12

I just looked at the crest website and on Amazon. Having not used them before though I'm not sure which type to get. I really don't want to waste my money getting one's which are too weak to do anything.

OP posts:
robertisking · 04/10/2011 19:13

Thankyou!! to OriginalPoster....just tried your idea and it really worked. Very pleased and will keep this up.

OriginalGhoster · 06/10/2011 09:40

Glad to be of assistance. Smile

CakeandRoses · 06/10/2011 10:20

v interesting thread.

i had my teeth whitened using the trays from dentist about 10-15 years ago and was v pleased with the results - great colour, it blended in some 'patches' and i didn't have much sensitivity.

i did get a lot of sensitivity when i tried to refresh a year or so later (in hindsight i'm wondering if i used out of date peroxide which was more aggressive for some reason).

my teeth are in v good nick now - haven't needed a filling or a scale and polish for years so it doesn't seem this type of whitening causes any issues longer-term.

i would do it again but i have two veneers at the front which can't be whitened so would have to remove those first which makes the whole thing v expensive and time-consuming. i'll probably think about it when the veneers need replacing.

pollyblue · 06/10/2011 15:01

I do pretty much as originalposter does - leave a smear on while taking on my makeup, then brush with electric toothbrush. I drink a huge amount of tea and while my teeth aren't stained, they're not quite as white as I'd like - have been doing this for a few weeks (using Janina paste) and it's working well.

Iamneverevabored · 29/05/2015 01:03

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Iamneverevabored · 29/05/2015 01:04

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MI5agent · 29/05/2015 06:24

Have reported

50ShadesofNope · 29/05/2015 06:34

I've had mine done twice. The first time there was barely a difference, there were white bleach crescents on my gums, and my teeth were in agony after.

The second time I went to a beautician who had dental experience. Since she's not a dentist she wasn't actually supposed to be doing any whitening, but by god she was good (I wasn't aware you had the be a dentist at the time Blush ) She hand painted the bleach onto each tooth to make sure none got on my gums, and topped up individual teeth as she went as they were slightly uneven. The results were incredible and there wasn't any pain at all even though I'd been under the laser for longer than before.

She's not doing it anymore and it's a pain the the backside because I don't trust anyone else now!

EuphemiaCoxton · 29/05/2015 08:17

I recently gave up smoking and had horribly brown stained teeth.
I've been brushing very carefully with smokers toothpaste and using iwhite mouthwash. It's really good.
I don't think it would make already naturally white teeth whiter but it lifts stains. I have none at all now and I can't stop smiling at myself in the mirror.

I'm going to the dentist to have a course of poladay again which gets your teeth mega white.
But you have to go through a dentist as if you need any fillings, have gum disease or problems you don't know about you could feck your teeth up.
And that gel stuff on your gums really REALLY hurts

Kai72 · 02/02/2020 18:40

Zoom laser whitening for just £195?! From what I’ve seen prices go from around £400... where did you get it done for that much?

Shannith · 02/02/2020 22:24


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