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Please help me find a smart outfit at short notice for a glam wedding

7 replies

sanssucre · 02/09/2011 10:54

I have until next weekend (didn't think I'd be able to go but have childcare now). The couple and their clan are all v rich and stylish - the invite says 'cocktail wear'. My clothes mostly come from the Gap sale bar a couple of exceptions so I don't think I really have anything appropriate, what's more I have no sense of style so terrible at putting outfits together.

Other considerations: It's abroad, and the weather probably won't be much good (11-19 degrees, showers likely). I'm 5'6, size 8, teeny tiny breasts (so nothing low-cut) - and I'm v pale. I live in London within fairly easy reach of Oxford St (so most high-street stores).

Er, any ideas? Thanks v much ladies

OP posts:
sanssucre · 02/09/2011 12:19

That's v helpful indeed - thanks so much. I had no idea LKBennett did clothes, thought it was just shoes. Told you I was clueless!

OP posts:
bambiandthumper · 02/09/2011 11:54

(all LK bennet ones are slightly over what you said, but very classic if thats what your looking foR

I have to dash out in a minute, but i would second the suggestion of going to a department store, really is worth it. Otherwise have a look at, you often have to trawl, but can generally find heavily discounted gems.


sanssucre · 02/09/2011 11:24

worldgonecrazy - thanks v much, that's an excellent idea. Will make some calls this pm.

bambiandthumper - that's v nice of you but please don't worry if you're short of time, was just thinking really of suggestions for places to look/suggestions for style of dress that is popular but easy to wear or something so I don't end up trawling everywhere under the sun and getting frustrated. (Can't seem to think beyond Zara or Hobbs.) Price range - hmm, well, I guess I"m thinking of something fairly simple that I can use for future so willing to spend up to £120 on a dress. As for colour, don't really know what suits me, I often get black because it seems practical but have a feeling it probably makes me look old and washed out! So maybe something a bit warm colour-wise.

OP posts:
bambiandthumper · 02/09/2011 11:16

I'm happy to have a look, but what colours do you generally wear, and price range??

worldgonecrazy · 02/09/2011 11:16

If you phone up the personal shopper and have a chat with them, they may be able to pull some possibles out for your arrival, so you can quickly glance over them. I've used personal shoppers and it's only taken a couple of hours.

sanssucre · 02/09/2011 11:09

Thanks worldgonecrazy. I like the idea and will def look into it, only worry is it sounds as though it might take rather a long time i.e. a whole afternoon. (DC are 1 and 3, have some childcare but am usually working in that time.) Was kind of hoping I'd be able to identify one or two possible options online and then just nip to shop, quickly try on and buy...

OP posts:
worldgonecrazy · 02/09/2011 11:03

Personal shopper at one of the big department stores.

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