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Shirts that do up over big boobs

2 replies

afishcalledmummy · 22/08/2011 09:21

Good morning S&B ladies,

I'm looking for a plain, white shirt at the moment, as I understand it's a bit of a wardrobe staple, and the last one I bought creases the moment I put it on and makes me look like a scarecrow.

I was out the other day looking for them, trying on and I can't find any that do up over my bust (am 30G) and fit nicely around my waist (size 10). I either am popping buttons like Tom Kitten or wearing something that looks like a peasant's smock. Do any of you have any suggestions on where to look? I had hoped Bravissimo would come good, but they don't have any plain shirts.

Thank you.

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EverythingInMiniature · 22/08/2011 16:17

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gregssausageroll · 22/08/2011 09:28

Bravissimo clothes are now Pepperberry and they do have shirts in at the moment as they always do - and I bought one the other day. White and a pale blue colour.

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