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what is everyones beauty regime?

1 reply

MissyMoo321 · 25/07/2011 10:45

I've always been blessed with clear skin all throughout my teenage years, so have only ever used cleansing wipes on my face. Since starting a job where I have to wear a hat Hmm I've come out in spots! What does everyone do to keep their skin clear and what products do you use? My skin is quite sensitive too.

OP posts:
Whenisitmysleepytime · 25/07/2011 12:19

i'm lazy low maintenance.
i take off make up with a wipe (boots own brand)/ baby wipe. then nothing at night as my skin can be oily in places.
in the morning i might wash my face with olay wash (their basis all skin types one) and then moisturise with olay 7 signs with spf. i might use their eye cream if i have time/ remember.
make up is pretty simple too. tinted moisturiser and mascara.

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