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Anyone who thinks their facial fair situation ticks the 'well-groomed' box who doesn't have a tweezerman x12 magnifying mirror is living in cloud cuckoo land

16 replies

DukesOfTripHazard · 10/06/2011 17:03

Buy one. Tomorrow.

Take a large valium.

Look at your face in your Tweezerman x12 (it's lots better than the Boots one, I promise)

Report back.

Once your hands have stopped shaking, get plucking.

Sell plucked hair by kilo.

OP posts:
cardoon · 10/06/2011 17:12

Try the rear view mirror in the's scary a revelation Wink

corsilk · 10/06/2011 17:13

but unless the onlooker who may notice your hairy chin has x12 vision it's not necessary is it?

DukesOfTripHazard · 10/06/2011 17:17

Well, yeah, but it's a cheap hobby Grin

OP posts:
MisSalLaneous · 10/06/2011 17:19

I'm with corsilk.

Anyone close enough to see the wonders of my chin hair is invading my personal space, and therefore deserve the years of horrifying nightmares that will follow such an encounter.

Collision · 10/06/2011 17:22

is it just the mirror or does it come with tweezers too?

TattyDevine · 10/06/2011 17:49

I've got a x10. That's pretty good. Bit scary eh.

Most my chin hairs are very very fine and very very transleucent golden blonde. Almost too fine to pluck, though they thread out a treat (I have learned to thread after last Friday night's post about it!) but really they are not noticeable are they if you don't have the mirror...

Anyone getting that close up to me has probably seen my bikini line too... Wink

cardoon · 10/06/2011 18:08

hahaha Tatty Grin

I get a bit paranoid about mine when I see friends in profile.... highlighted by strong sunlight..........eek!

DukesOfTripHazard · 10/06/2011 18:34

Eyebrows, upper lip, chin and throat. Fresh crop every day just waiting to be harvested Grin

Anyone who has not looked in the x12 knows not of which she speaks...

OP posts:
MrsCampbellBlack · 10/06/2011 19:05

Why on earth would I want to do this?

Much prefer dusty mirrors and candle light.

Ambernj1 · 10/06/2011 19:30

I recently invested in one of these. After the initial horror it was a good buy as I am now far better appraised of the situation and, being a bit of a blindy, has made the tedious process of hair removal a little easier...

DukesOfTripHazard · 10/06/2011 19:32

'far better appraised of the situation' nicely put Amber.

Just noticed I put 'facial fair' situation.

It's not fair. In either sense. And I'm quite blonde.

OP posts:
MissBeehiving · 10/06/2011 19:47

Ooh, I am tempted...but does it magnify wrinkles too? Shock

AtYourCervix · 10/06/2011 19:51

i agree. i thought imy beard and mustache were under control until i peeped.

i have never got over the horror that i had been walking around like that.

it was horrible

i have 2 now Blush one at home and a special one for the car. i use it when i'm early at work. the light in the car is the best for finding the nasty hiding hairs. i hope my colleagues understand.

KenDoddsDadsDog · 10/06/2011 19:57

I am obsessed since I got one. Very good for open pores too.

Vix1980 · 10/06/2011 20:02

Oooh i need one, plucking is my hobby too, the first time i looked in the rear view mirror to check my make up i had to do an emergency stop at the nearest chemist to buy some tweezers! shall invest tomorrow!

MrsCampbellBlack · 10/06/2011 20:20

You see I get threaded so trust someone else to do that.

If I looked at my face in a magnifying mirror I fear I'd never leave the house.

Looking down into a mirror is shocking enough for me.

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