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I've had eyeliner tatooed on...

42 replies

catinboots · 29/03/2011 11:38

And it looks bloody brilliant Grin

OP posts:
MikeRotch · 31/03/2011 15:51

lol at troll

im more like Troel

catinboots · 31/03/2011 10:46

Vivian - thankyou. But I know it's not to everyone's taste - including trolls! Wink

OP posts:
OnlyWantsOne · 31/03/2011 09:35


VivaLeBeaver · 31/03/2011 07:37

It does look really good on the photo!

GnocchiGnocchiWhosThere · 30/03/2011 21:53

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heymammy · 30/03/2011 21:50

wow cat that looks fantastic! And £100 phew, bargain. well done you, that's pretty hardcore Grin

catinboots · 30/03/2011 20:34

Uncomfortable but not painful. The line will actually soften over the next month or so - it looked a bit harsh at first but looks better now it's scabbing over.

Lasts 2-5 years apparently.

OP posts:
lololizzy · 30/03/2011 18:35

i didn't find it hurt as such but certainly stung like hell. Two sessions of about 3 hrs each all for no pigment to take and a big hole in my pocket :-(((

noddyholder · 30/03/2011 18:30

God did it hurt? How permanent is it? As even normal tattoos can go a bit shabby as you get older and so close to the eye could look a bit hard as mike says. Does it fade at all?

MikeRotch · 30/03/2011 16:43

ooh no thats a hard unflattering line

MikeRotch · 30/03/2011 16:43

omg are oy mad?

SoftKittyWarmKitty · 30/03/2011 16:43

God I wish I lived near London, I want my eyebrows doing and £100 is a bargain!

Let us know how the brows go.

catinboots · 30/03/2011 14:00

Hmm - can't see to PM you.

Oh well it was Natural Enhancement in Chiswick. You ring up and say you want to be a model for eyeliner/eyebrows/lipliner or whatever one you want. Each treatment is £100 but you get a free top up a month later

020 8995 2200

OP posts:
catinboots · 30/03/2011 13:56

The director did about half of it and the trainee was watched every millisecond. There was no room for error!

The director is one of the leading people in the country in for permanent cosmetics.

Viv and Brat - I'll PM you the name of the company and the number

OP posts:
Bratfink · 30/03/2011 12:47

This may be the answer to my prayers. Number please? It looks great

Carrotsandcelery · 30/03/2011 12:23

It looks like a really good job - very subtle, day to day eyeliner.

VivaLeBeaver · 30/03/2011 12:20

You let a trainee tattoo your eyelids?

GnocchiGnocchiWhosThere · 30/03/2011 12:16

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catinboots · 30/03/2011 11:52

Uncomfortable not agnony, but quite sore the following day.

I had it done at a training academy in Chiswick. It's normally £400-500 but I only paid £100. And I get a free touch up by the director in a months time

OP posts:
wendihouse22 · 30/03/2011 09:52

How much did it cost?

Where'd you have it done?

I'd be nervous in case it was too thick or I didn't like it!! Can't remove it, can you?

sowhatshallido · 30/03/2011 09:39

how much did it

a - hurt

b - cost?

i would love to have it done but have never had a tattoo etc and would be a wuss i fear!
Do they use anaesthetic?

catinboots · 30/03/2011 09:13

It lasts 2 - 5 years, fading gradually. Depends on your skin type

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TrillianAstra · 30/03/2011 09:09

"What if you get bored of it" is exactly why I don't have any tattoos.

If you are a tattoo-having person then prsumably you have superhuman faith in your ability to choose something that you will still want in 30 years.

Bumperlicioso · 30/03/2011 08:52

Looks good. Think I'd be too scared though. What of you get bored if it?

catinboots · 30/03/2011 08:37

Photo on profile!!

That was 24hrs after so still a bit puffy.

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