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do your tights come up to your belly button?

35 replies

deaconblue · 25/11/2010 14:09

I'm 5'4 and a size 14 with quite a big bum/thigh arrangement. I've bought a pair of size m/l tights from Next and size L from Gap and both pairs only come up to my knicker line. I've spent all day hoiking them up. so am I too porky for tights all of a sudden, has it become de rigour to wear low rise tights or are they just duff sizes?

OP posts:
tomhardyismydh · 25/11/2010 21:47

i always wondered why girls did that in my school, maud.

this thread also reminds me of my aunt, she always pulled her tights upto her oxters and they would literally be over her chest. Grin

thenightsky · 25/11/2010 21:46

freebutton how much are those primark waist ones? they sound fab.

FreeButtonBee · 25/11/2010 21:43

Another one for primark waist cinched ones. Really thick denier, up to the boobs and if you're feeling a little bit bloated, they speed up your large intestine nicely (way too much info!)

pointydog · 25/11/2010 21:34

I buy M&S tights. Don;t wear them a lot though.

Ormirian · 25/11/2010 21:34

No problem. SOmeone here recommended them a few years back. I buy mine online as in store you can't guarantee to get the long sizes.

pointydog · 25/11/2010 21:33

Good question.

Yes,always. Beyond it. I get a biggish size to make sure.

thenightsky · 25/11/2010 21:32

God yes Orm.. Gap jeans are the only jeans I have. Thanks for tip about Top Shop - never even considered them.

Ormirian · 25/11/2010 21:30

thenightshy - I don't wear trousers as I have an arse like the QE2 Grin But I have jeans from Gap (long and lean extra long and skinny extra long) and Top Shop. I've never found any other long fitting jeans to be long enough.

Poppity · 25/11/2010 21:27

Yes, if you are tall/long legged the only option is knickers over tights and buy quality.

I am size 10, but have to buy xl at least as I'm 5'10". I always try to get plus size.

Gudrun Sjorden are lovely, especially if you want something a bit quirky (and mostly cotton), a large fits me from there.

thenightsky · 25/11/2010 21:27

Orm... I have 36 inside leg too... I find Primark tights are ok if I buy large.

Where do you get your trousers though? I can only use Zara or Long tall sally for work trousers, but LTS are not very stylish.

Frizzbonce · 25/11/2010 20:57

Falke tights are just gorgeous and come right up to your belly button! Just what you need in this kind of weather. Get them cheapo on Ebay.

AitchTwoOh · 25/11/2010 20:53

i was actually considering taking a couple of pairs back to gap as i'm only 5"5 and the large just Do Not Fit, despite me falling well within the size thingybob. is it the thicker tights you are having trouble with?

HotchpotchHoney · 25/11/2010 20:50

Sainsburys tu tights I swear by them come in a wide variety of colours too. I'm ahem curvy to say the least and even Evans tights have a stupidly low rise in the bum/ tummy part

SixtyFootDoll · 25/11/2010 20:49

Maud so did I !!
Might have to go back to doing that!

BustleInYourHedgerow · 25/11/2010 20:48

Was just going to mention the knickers over tights solution! Best bet all round! Scour TK Maxx for Falke tights, Johnathon Aston aren't bad either, well worth paying more for as they last longer!

TheNextMrsDepp · 25/11/2010 20:48

Tights sizing is just random.

I can't bear that saggy crotch thing.

Even worse are the ones with the super-tight waistband that cheese-wire you in half and give you an attractive double-muffin-top.

MaudOHara · 25/11/2010 20:42

This thread has just reminded me that as a child I used to wear a pair of knickers over my tights to stop them falling down - off topic I realise

Ormirian · 25/11/2010 20:42

I have 36" legs. It is rare to get tights or trousers that are long enough. Sometimes I do. Funnily enough my cheapo Matalan shiny tights are long enough.

Unprune · 25/11/2010 20:41

It's not a trend, I don't think. It's cutting corners and spending less on fabric and fit.

nameymcnamechange · 25/11/2010 20:40

Try Sainsbury's Tu m/l. They are well-roomy.

Unprune · 25/11/2010 20:40

Bad sizing.
All British tights are appallingly sized, the numbers just LIE.
Buy Falke, they're great, and worth the money,

DamselInDisgrace · 25/11/2010 20:39

I got a pair of tights from next and have the same problem. I like my tights to come up as far as possible.

My pet hate is 'one size fits all' tights. I'm 5'4 but with long legs and a size 10. This usually means the tights will be wide in the legs so they are baggy on me and fall down all the time.


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ChildrenoftheMind · 25/11/2010 20:36

AND i still have to hoik them up as they sag, cos i am a short ass. jamais 5'3'', and very short legs. Some people I know are the same height, longer legs. Unfortunately my DH has short legs too. Which means my poor children stand no hope of ever a) getting tights that fit or b) trousers that fit.

I dislike tights. So mostly i wear hold ups.

SixtyFootDoll · 25/11/2010 20:36

Im 5'5" but long in the 'rise' apparently Hmm so tights only come up to my knicker line.
I buy a size up, but do soemtimes get sagging ankles!

cybbo · 25/11/2010 20:34

I think there is a def trend towards lower cut tights, heaven only knows why. I like em right up to my boobs

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