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dh children come to stay 1st time in 8 yrs!

5 replies

madeindevon2 · 04/09/2009 14:19

for the first time ever. all 4 of dh children were sat around a table having meal and all sleeping under same roof.
to say its been a long time coming is understatement.
to say we are chuffed to bits is all understatement!
dh and i been together 8 yrs (married fof 4) and have a 2 yr old.
although separated feom exwife when we met he was still married and committed father of 3 kids.
waited patiently without pushing for years. so happy this day has finally come. (dh kids are lovely but when young were banned from seeing me by their mum and i guess it just continued until now when they are old enough to make own minds up)
dh cried tears of joy over this achievement(ok ok i had a little sniffle too...)

OP posts:
blametheparents · 05/09/2009 14:18

What a lovely moment for you.
Let's hope it becomes a regular thing.

KaPe · 05/09/2009 13:36

So was this the first time the half-siblings met as well?

madeindevon2 · 04/09/2009 14:36

no no no. he sees them every other weekend (they live just over hours drive from us)
sometimes more if something special game or sth
but never with me and our son.
until now!

OP posts:
shinyshoes · 04/09/2009 14:33

How fantastic for all of you. Hope there are many more happy times for you all

mustrunmore · 04/09/2009 14:28

Omg, had he not seen them at all in 8 years? Or just not had them over? That must be an unbelievable feeling for you both to see them there!

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