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38 weeks pregnant, dreading how things will change

26 replies

FirstNov2017 · 29/10/2017 01:31

Unplanned pregnancy, DP has 2 kids and now feel like he expects our child to be brought up in the same way as the other 2.

Feel like he hasn't taken into account that I am not his ex and this child is a new person. Got my head bitten off tonight for saying this. I don't always approach things the best way and I don't think being pregnant has helped me get things across.

We were out shopping and he said he wants to make sure our child has a back up of their favourite cuddly toy. Currently his eldest DC in secondary school has tantrums if they don't have their cuddly toy to go to sleep with. I said I would like to try a different approach and not just buy 2. He scoffed at this and said "you'll learn the hard way then and I'll laugh when you do" Our child might not even be interested in this but the idea is being put on them because of how their siblings have been.

This is my first child so why not let me have the positives and negatives of that experience? Am I wrong to want us to find our own way with this child? Something's are done the same with every child and somethings are different. I don't want to just be doing things one way because that's what he did previously though. Anyone else have their partner tell them how it will be because of existing children and basically tell you you know nothing?

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FirstNov2017 · 31/10/2017 08:29

@lifeandtheuniverse he doesn't need to be stuck up for. I don't know if you read the post or any of the conversation but it seems you have the wrong end of the stick. This child isn't even here yet. To me, baby is a blank canvas. He can compare to siblings as much as he wants when it's actually here and is or isn't similar. Telling me I'll find out the hard way and when I do he'll laugh... which one of us is having to watch what we say? Already said I know something's will be done the same and others will be done differently. Already said it was laughable how worked up I got at the time so not really sure which father you're trying to stick up for as this one is in no way being given a hard time. I'm not telling him it's my way or the highway. Told him I want to try something's differently as he's already got it in his head about certain things

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