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DSS odd behavior.

3 replies

Cleorapter · 27/10/2013 07:15

Hi, I'm new on the boards and was wondering if anyone had any experience with a stepchild acting up?

I have a DD8 and a DD11 months my DP has a son who is 5 (my eldest D is not his) recently DSS has been acting up, crying and wanting his mummy every time DP is around. He NEVER does it around me, and we have a fun, nice relationship. So I can't help but think it's on purpose.

Has anyone experienced this, it's really upsetting DP and I don't really know what to say to him.

DSS started school full time in September and his mother is the type who has a very active social life so palms him off on members of her family constantly (every week we pick him up from somewhere different) we also have him every weekend Saturday/Sunday and for a few days over holidays (we have him til Tuesday/Wednesday this week) I was wondering if the reason he could be like this is because he's barely seeing his mum anymore?

Any advice would be great. It's starting to annoy me somewhat as to stop him acting up DP buys him treats etc and I don't particularly agree with that as to me it's teaching him to do it more if he's getting rewarded for it.

OP posts:
Cleorapter · 29/10/2013 19:02

Opus? *is. God damn word correct!

OP posts:
Cleorapter · 29/10/2013 19:01

Thank you! I've had a word with OH and told him this, he opus amicable with the mother but she's been nasty in the past so he's very wary of rocking the boat. It's a tough one.

OP posts:
mrsdaisaku · 27/10/2013 19:27

Poor boy, starting school is a massive adjustment and if his Mum isn't spending much time with him he could be feeling more separation anxiety than normal. If Daddy is his one constant then obviously he's going to cling more to him and seek more attention from him, even if it's in a negative way. Your husband isn't doing the right thing by buying him off :( You need to tell your husband what you see and set out how you are all going to tackle it. He needs to be firm with the behaviour, but not show him any less love. It's a tricky balancing act, but with a united front and consistency he won't keep it up.

Your husband also needs to speak to Mum (if they are amicable) and discuss dss's well being.

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